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Taking Notes with a Stylus


iPF Noob
Hi all,

Newbie on my iPad2 and the thought of using a stylus to take handwritten notes appeals to me...but I know nothing about it. How about a quick primer?:confused:
Do I need an app to do this?
What about styluses (styli?) Where do I buy, how much, etc, etc:)

Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
Welcome! i would suggest checking out the accessories part of the forums for the stylus and the app section for note taking you should be able to find very good detailed info there.
Okay, guess I need to dig deeper...do not see an "app" section in this forum. I am overlooking the obvious, apparently!

Did note the accessories section and will look at stylus information there.

Many thanks,
Many thanks...I decided on Notes Plus and the Targus Stylus. Now I just have to learn the APP. It looks pretty promising!

Thanks for all your help.. This site rocks.


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