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No/bad Internet after jailbreak! Suggestions?


iPF Noob
After i jail broke my 4.2.1 iPad my Internet has been glitchy. It will say its connected to wifi but will never load page then eventually say the server stopped responding. At first I would reboot to fix the problem but it occured so much it became a problem fast. I then figured that I could just turn airplane mode on and off to fix the problem temporarily until I find a permamnent solution.

Any suggestions?!

Im thinking of maybe restoring then JB'ing again? But would really like to avoid going down that road if possible

Any suggestions are appreciated!

Try going in Settings > Network > Wi-Fi > tap on your network name, blue arrow, and tell it to forget the Network, top button, and set up your network again. Or goto General > Reset > Reset Network Settings, then set the network up again. Also, unplug your router/wireless for about 8 min. and then plug it back in, matter of fact do this first, then try the above. Or do both, start with a clean slate.:)
Its probaly somethn else unless u downloaded something having to do with internet connectionsmfrm cydia. Jailbreak doesnt mess with anything having to do with internet, only roots device to allow more functionality. Doesnt chnge system files
I am having a similar issue with my ipad(4.2.1) and iphone 4(4.1). My PC works perfectly on wifi with no issues at all. The ipad and iphone will say they are connected to wifi network with valid ip address however will not be connected to internet. If i unplug the router(dlink) both devices will pick up the internet again. But for how long is always a mystery sometimes for hours other times for 5 minutes. Problem has started for about 2 weeks now. I have tried forgetting network, renew lease, resetting ipad/iphone. Any ideas im going crazy.
I am having a similar issue with my ipad(4.2.1) and iphone 4(4.1). My PC works perfectly on wifi with no issues at all. The ipad and iphone will say they are connected to wifi network with valid ip address however will not be connected to internet. If i unplug the router(dlink) both devices will pick up the internet again. But for how long is always a mystery sometimes for hours other times for 5 minutes. Problem has started for about 2 weeks now. I have tried forgetting network, renew lease, resetting ipad/iphone. Any ideas im going crazy.
I believe that PC's on average, have a much stronger signal than the iDevices have and can get through when the iDevices can't if there is any interference around, so.
Try going into your network settings and look and see if there are any other peoples wifi routers around you using the same channel. If they are, you need to set your router to a different channel, try to find a channel that's at least one open channel between you and them. So if there on channel 6 try channel 4 or 8, if your neighborhood is crowded with routers, try to stay away from the strongest signals, pick the weakest channels. Also, check several times of day, especially when the most people are home. Some people turn off their routers when their not home. Hope this will be of some help.
I adjusted my router as per the privious posters suggestions and also deleted several recently installed apps as I read elsewhere it might be a problem as well. The internet was working great for about 2 days but today when i woke up it was off again and after I unplugged my router it is working agian as usual. The good news is that the connection has lasted longer than ever in the past 3 weeks. Maybe it was just a minor hiccup today.
I had a similar problem. Found out that the gadget I use to watch tv (by sending a signal to a receiver box) in another room intermittently knocked out my wifi. No reason, just did it and only affected my iPad and iPhone not my laptop. Or it would weaken the signal to the point i could not load anything on the ipad i'd receive the server not responding error Perhaps you have something in your house that is emitting a signal that is interfering ?

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