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No Video Playlists in iOS 5?

One more thing i forgot to mention, that Player Xtreme does not allow you to see the duration of the viseo unless you are watching it because no list view. There is another app "clip player" bought it for $0.99 on app store that allowed me to create a playlist from the library, but you have to go through the library videos one by one to add them the the playlist and it would take longer time, but the nice thing about it is that it shows you the playlist in a side bar just like the old ipod music app, when you tap on a particular playlist it shows you the contents also on a side bar and the video is on the other side of the screen with the option to stretch it out to full screen, it also shows you the duration, it allows you to see the battery status, you can edit, delete playlist without syncing, in generall it's very close to what the ipos app was doing, e even better, but i did not want to go to the library to select each video individually to add to the new playlist, I needed something quick, that's why I chose to use the other one (playerxtreme)
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No offense taken.

They moved all video media to their Videos app.
And playlists were simply ways to organize. You could not actually play a list of videos. At best you had half crippled playlists,
Apple cleaned up the apps and made it clear which app has what function.
All in all I think you'd do better to ask Apple to give you fully functional playlists in the Videos app than complain about them missing in the new Music app.

The music videos are all still maintained in Music. They just only play audio on iPad (that's the Apple mobile device with the best screen for watching video comfortably by the way)
I know you couldn't play lists of movie videos but you could organise. Now you can do neither on your iPad.
I knew which app had which function and presumed any change would be positive.
Why should I be required to ask Apple to do something so obvious? Apple gave me the facility to label the media as 'music video' and to organise in playlists. What advantage has this change in iOS 5 brought to my iPad? I purchased my iPad to organise and watch my music videos.

Bottom line - this iOS 5 Music app on iPad is a retrograde move. The iPod app on iPad was adequate but this app is not fit for purpose.
The music videos are all still maintained in Music. They just only play audio on iPad (that's the Apple mobile device with the best screen for watching video comfortably by the way. . .

If you check the Include Music Videos box in the Music syncing for iTunes the videos are also copied to the Videos app. This is pretty much the same as it worked in iOS 4.3.x.
If you check the Include Music Videos box in the Music syncing for iTunes the videos are also copied to the Videos app. This is pretty much the same as it worked in iOS 4.3.x.
Thanks for the reply but this isn't correct. Sure the videos are copied to the Videos app - all 700 of them in alphabetic order rather than tidy and easily navigable playlists but it is nowhere near the same as in iOS 4.3. Previously I could use Music to easily find the required music video or iTunes U utilising the playlist ability and on selection they would play. Now, post iOS 5 I can play but not find in Video or find but not play (other than audio-only) in Music. Where is the upgrade? I can still use my playlists to watch videos on the smaller iPod touch screen but not on the larger screen of the iPad. It is nonsense and Apple should be ashamed.
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I did not mean to suggest that functions had not lost. I believe I covered that in my earlier post and made my best guess as to why, not that I expect that to make you happy. Only to provide perspective.

Perhaps I misread your post, but it sounded like you were complaining that you could not watch your music videos at all on the iPad, and that was all I intended to address, that the videos are in the Videos app, are where they have always been, provided you turn syncing on for them in iTunes.
Have you tried Video Playlist for Ipad ($1.99) in the App store. I have it working nicely using Airplay and Mirroring through Apple TV2 to my home surround and large screen video.
As mainly what I would use the video playlist for would be to watch youtube videos offline on my wifi iPad. A work around I just found is after you get your videos select them all and choose get info(mac) Under the options tab change them to TV shows, Under the Video tab give them a show name, put season 1. Accept it. When they change go to the TV library and go into the show you named them and get info on the first one and give it an episode number in the Video tab. Lather, rinse, repeat till you are done. Transfer to my iPad. In Videos>Tv Shows> (Show you named it) Voila. Works for me. Hope this helps till they get off their thumbs and fix it.
I too am extremely upset about the iOS 5 upgrade. I wish I could go back in time...but that would be futile.
I use my iPad primarily for music and language education purposes and have a very elaborate Playlist library with Playlists containing audio and video together. I believe the combined use of high quality audio and video together to be the perfect tool to enhance all forms of education. So booting out all videos into one massive Video playlist just boggles my mind.
Another huge change to take note of is that lyrics are no longer supported with audio files. Again I used the audio for language education with the text of the spoken audio placed where the lyrics should be. That is now history.

So two amazing tools to revolutionize education are now gone.

I appreciate the few tips on this thread and will try them out. Please everybody should complain to Apple about this.

No video playlist support on iPad makes little sense

I too am extremely upset about the iOS 5 upgrade. I wish I could go back in time...but that would be futile.
I use my iPad primarily for music and language education purposes and have a very elaborate Playlist library with Playlists containing audio and video together......

I sympathise with you. I have hundreds of dance videos, mainly tango and latin steps and techniques. They are mostly short and need categorisations across a number of different characteristics - teacher, location, step description, style, rating, difficulty... Smart playlists worked well for this. The same video can reside in different playlists. The iPad is a great tool to look at while you are practicing. I also have a number of normal movies as well. I find the Video player extremely limiting and cumbersome. There appears to be an implicit design assumption by Apple that all the videos people want to watch are all long movies, that necessarily take up lot of space, therefore you can't store many and so a singular thumbnail alphabetical list is sufficient. The space limitation of course goes away in the fullness of time if you embrace iCloud, so I can't quote see the logic in what they have done.

My current work around is to create a number of video podcasts. This can be used to mimic a directory structure and separates my short dance clips from major movies (podcasts comes up as a separate category in the Video app if you have some video podcasts downloaded), however it does little to support my more complex categorisation needs.

Hopefully this will be addressed soon as I would prefer to be spending time using the device and content rather than playing with libraries..

No Video Playlists in iOS 5

I can't believe that Apple has digressed with iOS5 with regards to video playlists features. I also use video playlists for my sons athlectics and now everything is completely disorganized.

I actually bought a mac a couple of weeks ago based on the fact that the video playlist (on the previous iOS) was useful for the ipod and ipad I have. I feel like getting rid of all Apple products. What a complete waste of time trying to figure out how to reorganize my information - what are computers for? I down loaded Clip Player and that does not work well at all. I get no sound and second when I import the video from my mac it asks me to save it in another location on my mac - that's efficient. It would be great if they could leave the video playlist alone or even enhance it by alowing it to actually work like a music playlist. Instead it seems they are trying to control the content even more.

I've put in a call for support to apple and hoping they can help me remove the iOS5 I installed on my iPad and get me back to the previous os version.

Has anyone heard any updates if this will become a fix for iOS5?
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Worse yet, in iTunes on my PC there are 140 videos, but when I connect my iPad2 and click on it in the left hand bar, then click on "movies" in the pull-down, iTunes says I have only 126 movies and worse, when I sync, I only have 96 videos on my iPad !
These videos are a mix of DVD rips, music videos from usenet and personal videos of my cats and other things from my cameras. I cannot seem to get all my video's onto my iPad2 ! Unless I can and soon, I will sell it off and buy the new ASUS tablet running Android !
After buying a 3gen touch and this iPad2, I will never again purchase ANYTHING Apple ! And worse yet, apple support seems to be all about DRM and nothing else ! My next try with them is going to be over getting videos I have taken with my digital camera onto my iPad !

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