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None of my iPhoto videos are "compatible" with my iPad???


iPF Noob
It seems none of the videos in iPhoto will sync with my iPad, unless they were originally shot with the iPad!! I'm not sure how long this has been going on!!!

Before I'm asked: YES!!! "Include videos" is checked in iTunes, and YES!!! the videos are in fact compatible with the iPad!!!!!! The same videos, if imported with the camera connection kit, can play perfectly well on the device!!! However, once synced with iPhoto and deleted from the iPad, they simply refuse to sync back!!!!!

I've tried all the obvious "fixes" repeatedly, over the course of several days, (restart computer, reset iPad, restore iPad, reinstall iTunes, clear iPhoto catch, reinstall iPhoto, rebuild iPhoto library, vial language, prayer, witchcraft, a hammer) ...and I've had no luck. HELP!!!?!!?!!!?

David Lones

Relevant information:
iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1
iTunes 10.5.1
iPhoto '11 9.2.1
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2
Sounds like you've done everything I can think off.

At the risk of being overly obvious (I'm an old tech, we specialize in obvious), I'll point out that when you sync through iPhotos the videos should show up in the Photo app, not in the Video app where they appear when synced directly through iTunes.
I'll point out that when you sync through iPhotos the videos should show up in the Photo app, not in the Video app where they appear when synced directly through iTunes.

...yes, I realize that.

I should also point out the fact that I have not attempted to sync the videos "directly" through iTunes (as in adding the videos to the iTunes library as either a "movie", a "TV show", or a "music video"), nor do I intend to.

David Lones
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.
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Oh well. It was a long shot.

I've had mixed results syncing videos through iPhoto, and have never determined exactly what works. iMovie on the iMac exported as standard definition usually works, and sometimes Quick Time exports; but I've never spent enough time to test all the possibilities.

There have been a few threads where the more serious videographers swapped conversion methods, software suggestions, and formats, mostly trying to import movies to iMovie on the iPad. You need to get the movies into the Photo app for that too, so it should be relevant.

You might be able to find it using the custom Google search at the top of the website.

Here is the longest I remember; it may have a few hints to get you along the way. There should be a few others.


Sorry I can't be of more help.
Update ...it's still not working right!!!!!

Just to tripple-check things, I manually copied a video file directly from the iPhoto library to a blank SD card and attempted to transfer said video to the iPad using the camera connection kit... The video imported successfully and seems to play perfectly well, just as before with the original files on my camera!

Simply put, it IS NOT a formatting issue! It seems more like iTunes just refuses to sync video from my iPhoto library, for no good reason!!!!
Hmm. You've reinstalled iTunes, so you're probably running the most recent version. Have you checked to see if there are any updates for iPhoto?

Both iPhoto 8 and 9 should be good to go, as long as they are up to date. I'm still on 8.
Hi there,

Did you eventually resolve your issue and, if so, how? I needed to replace my iPad yesterday because of a cracked screen. My previous iPad had had no trouble playing the videos I'd uploaded directly from my camera's SD card, but when when I synced everything last night, it wouldn't allow me to play any videos taken in the last five days, although previously shot videos seem ok (ie ones that were shot more than five days ago). Any advice?
Did you eventually resolve your issue...?

Short answer: no.
Long answer: manually transferring videos using the camera connection kit has been the only temporary solution I could find, (if you're willing, as I am not). (Personally, I do not have the patience to manually transfer over 30gb of video!)
If you do decide to use the camera connection kit, remember to put your videos in a folder on your SD card titled "DCIM" (no quotes) and don't let iTunes or iPhoto re-transfer or import them afterwards.
I've got the same issue, I've taken some videos on my 4S and they won't sync with my iPhone 4 or my iPad 2

Some say converting the videos to mp4 then syncing should work, I havent tried this as the videos were originally taken on my iPhone 4S so I don't see a compatibility issue...
The iPhone 4S takes videos at a higher quality than the old iPhone or iPad: 1080p HD vs 720p HD. If I remember right that is higher quality than the iPhone 4 or iPad can play. That might be the problem.
twerppoet said:
The iPhone 4S takes videos at a higher quality than the old iPhone or iPad: 1080p HD vs 720p HD. If I remember right that is higher quality than the iPhone 4 or iPad can play. That might be the problem.
Oh ok, haven't tried re syncing those videos with the 4S, might give it a try and hopefully that's the problem.

I've encountered this issue too. My solution... Was to give up. Frankly I have neither the time nor the inclination to trawl through all my various films and convert them. I've ordered a WD TV Live box so I can stream my photos and videos to my telly. Though I have to accept Apple's rather odd attitude to DRM I find it crazy that even their proprietary software (iTunes) won't allow me to do what I want. If it plays in iTunes then why shouldn't I expect it to play on my iPad? Perfectly reasonable as far as I can see. Anyhow, I'm sure there are solutions out there but I simply can't be bothered with it anymore. The TV is the natural home for video and the WD TV Live box will allow me to stream just about any codec.

No help really I know.

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