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Not a single decent calendar app?


iPF Noob
Hi there!

I'm new with the iPad and I can really see the possibilities within the hardware but not in the software at the moment.
Basically I want the look of Apple Calendar (week view) but it has to have:
  • Swipe to change week
  • Multitouch
Swipe is kinda straight forward.
Instead of pressing the "+" in the corner (or double tap in the view in some other) I want a calender that support multi touch. If I want to add work 8-16 one day I want to place my index-finger at 8 o´clock and then drag my thumb down to 16. When I release the keyboard pops out...

Any calendar that support this?
'All-in-one Year calendar' supports multi-touch and is getting great reviews.
'Pocket-Informant HD' provides a wealth of facilities - probably too many - and it's expensive!

You're right, though, the built-in calendar is very limited.

I have tested Informant HD but it's waaaaay to complicated to add new events. It's not hard and I can probably do it in my sleep, but 1 click to start writing and then 1 click to "save it" is what I want.

That "all in one year" calendar looks kinda strange? Can't find any videos or stuff about it.

The Informant HD looks really nice, but I prefer an ugly black/white (even black/yellow that you almost cant read) with the possibility to add a new event within 5 seconds.
I'm the opposite - I can live with the functionality of the built-in calendar app, but hate how it looks! Agree with you about the 'all in one year' calendar though - I see what they're trying to do, but can't live without a month or week view, personally.

Who'd have thought finding a decent calendar app would be so hard?
'Pocket-Informant HD is by far the best price is low for what it offers as I can put a calendar item into my Yahoo calendar, or Macbook, my iPad, my iPhone and my iPod touch and the Apple calendar and all will be updated and sync on the fly. It also has the best settings for repeat items. I have RDO's that roll week to week on different days every 3 weeks and it handles it without issue. The task area is also accurate and easy to use.
I just purchased Pocket Informant HD and have to agree that it's a excellent product. I find entering appointments, tasks or projects a breeze. Just tap on the day and enter the details. What could be simpler? Yes - you could say it's complex (as I did earlier) but that complexity is also flexibility in that you can configure almost any way you want to.

For example, the iPad version has changed the 'Day' view of the iPhone (which displayed a day at a time) to a 'Days' view that displays 'days' - but a week at a time to 'take advantage' of the iPad's bigger screen. To begin with I was disappointed; I like to go through my diary a day at a time and this new view - effectively a week at a time - seemed to preclude this. But, almost accidentally (and I can't see it explicitly documented anywhere) I discovered that, if you use the iPad's 'pinch' gesture you can expand the 'Days' view to show as few or as many days at a time as you want. So now I can 'flick' through my appointments just as I wanted. In fact, I read in one of the reviews in a well-known periodical that one of the 'joys' of Pocket Informant is discovering all the undocumented features.

To me, one of the other big advantages of Pocket Informant is that it (optionally) imports all the appointments from the iPad's native calendar app. This not only means that if, like me, you've been using the native app since you first bought the iPad, you don't have to enter all those appointments again, but it also means that other apps that use the native app to display incoming appointments or tasks (like the iPad mail app, for example) will immediately show up in Pocket Informant. These 'imported' appointments are highlighted in Pocket Informant too, so that you can distinguish them from Pocket Informant's appointments.

If you have iOS 4.2 then Pocket Informant also gives you a very wide choice of alarms and pop-up reminders and, if it's running in the background, these are active even if you're not using the app (of course - wouldn't be much use otherwise!).

All the iPad's gestures are supported - so you can 'flick' through pages of your diary (like many people wish they could do with the iPad's native calendar app), scroll up and down, pinch and zoom etc etc.

In the short time I've used the app, I've become a convert and don't resent paying (for an app, at least) a relatively high price for a very well designed and implemented app. I haven't experienced any of the 'instability' problems reported by some users in the app's iPad store reviews.

And - of course - I should say that I have no relationship with this company whatsoever.

you guys can try out our newest iPad app: "Wikly - a weekly calendar for the iPad". It's a simple, colorful and easy to use calendar for the iPad.

The app itself focus on the Week view with a distinctive approach to calendar UI, and incorporate multi touch to let you interact easily with schedules, an integrated to-do-list, customizable color schemes.

iTunes download link

Hop you guys like it.
Not A Basement Studio
I like Week Cal HD on the iPad, nice blocks of Colour without being big and sikly, nice gestures and quick entry. I think it's what iCal should have been.
Suppamuppa said:
I have tested Informant HD but it's waaaaay to complicated to add new events. It's not hard and I can probably do it in my sleep, but 1 click to start writing and then 1 click to "save it" is what I want.

That "all in one year" calendar looks kinda strange? Can't find any videos or stuff about it.

The Informant HD looks really nice, but I prefer an ugly black/white (even black/yellow that you almost cant read) with the possibility to add a new event within 5 seconds.

Smart pad has similar functionality to Pocket Informant but has a quick entry system, I like both but SP, is my weapon of choice. You can check it out on their website here http://www.leftcoastlogic.com/blog/smartapps/smartpad/smartpad-2-1-guide/

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