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Not thrilled with the ipad2!

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Freshman said:
I see what you mean. But one really has to blind or ignorant not see that the product is overpriced, overrated and by far inferior to other products. The fact that Apple is still selling them in those quantities is more related to the best long term marketing strategy and to the really good design.
Concerning the law suits - well, I don't know too much about the details (probably as much as anyone), but here in Germany the reason the iPad can't be sold is that it apparently looks too much like an iPad. That makes me wonder why only Samsung is being sued on that reason and none of the other tablet manufacturers who dared to produce a rectangular, flat tablet....

But again, you're right - completely the wrong forum :-D I just hope that either with iOS 5 or with any upcoming JB matters will get better. Cheers from Berlin, Freshman

I think you really are a "freshman" :-) sales statistics confirm the iPad is the best product out there, the ease of use and sensitivity of the screen are unbeatable, that's the reason so many companies are trying to create an "iPad killer" but just cannot succeed! Is there an iPad killer up til now? No I don't think so, unless do you know of a tablet that comes close to the sales stats of the iPad, and that's not just marketing and sales strategy, so many iPad buyers can't be wrong because the majority love their iPad, including all of us here on this forum.
jefflz said:
I wanted to send music that is on my ipad to a friend who enjoyed. The files are not accesible. This is not really acceptable and represents a major defect in ipad utility.

Try sending them a gift card instead. Or if they also own an iOS device you can gift the track. With few exceptions anything else is stealing.
I dunno, pre research isn't that accurate. The amount of marketing I've read claiming the ipad2 will bring me a beer, clean the house, wash my car, settle my speeding fines etc etc etc is remarkable. And just look at it - it just sits on my desk not lifting a finger and just looking good sexy all day. What a swizz. I been right ripped off. I want my money back.
I dunno, pre research isn't that accurate. The amount of marketing I've read claiming the ipad2 will bring me a beer, clean the house, wash my car, settle my speeding fines etc etc etc is remarkable. And just look at it - it just sits on my desk not lifting a finger and just looking good sexy all day. What a swizz. I been right ripped off. I want my money back.
I KNOW!!!!!!! mine won't wash the dishes so i make my husband do it.....
I cant believe this didn't get locked, from the first post, have we all missed the blatant not paying for films!! Why should everything be free when someone has spent time to make it available for you to enjoy.

You watch telly but you have to pay for a license, if you want to read a book you can always visit your local library.....its free there!!! But to want a film for free just because you watch it once is selfish, give away your Ipad and leave the rest of us to enjoy this fantastic bit of technological wizardry!!!!
I cant believe this didn't get locked, have we all missed the blatant not paying for films!! Why should everything be free when someone has spent time to make it available for you to enjoy.

You watch telly but you have to pay for a license, if you want to read a book you can always visit your local library.....its free there!!! But to want a film for free just because you watch it once is selfish, give away your Ipad and leave the rest of us to enjoy this fantastic bit of technological wizardry!!!!
well said,everyone has a right to earn a living,theres enough free stuff out there to keep us all happy.
TheRambler said:
I cant believe this didn't get locked, from the first post, have we all missed the blatant not paying for films!! Why should everything be free when someone has spent time to make it available for you to enjoy.

You watch telly but you have to pay for a license, if you want to read a book you can always visit your local library.....its free there!!! But to want a film for free just because you watch it once is selfish, give away your Ipad and leave the rest of us to enjoy this fantastic bit of technological wizardry!!!!

Because there are a few apps that do offer free TV Shows (with comercials). The CBS app offers recent episodes of some of their prime shows. I'm sure there are a few others. The OPs post does not necessarily ask for illegal content. Benifit of the doubt, because anyone can be misunderstood.

Besides, the OP never said the wanted to download free stuff, only that they thought it cost too much: from which I guess that they looked at one or two books they wanted and never cost compaired. Most new books are about $15 until the come out in paperback. Even Amazon does't always have a deal on them.
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Those are free shows, the OP mentions not wanting to pay for Movies, I cant be sure but I know of no legal place to download free movies......but Ive been wrong before LOL
First of all l am not able to download a book without costing $15 plus not to mention l can,t watch Fox Broadcasting because my iPad doesn't have the right Adobe app.

Also downloading movies is not worth the effort nor the cost. I only watch a movie once so buying it doesn't make sense.

I will give this iPad to my nephew when l find another tablet that does it all.

The Verizon ipad would have been the better choice but it's $$


The OPs post does not necessarily ask for illegal content. Benifit of the doubt, because anyone can be misunderstood.

Besides, the OP never said the wanted to download free stuff, only that they thought it cost too much: from which I guess that they looked at one or two books they wanted and never cost compaired. Most new books are about $15 until the come out in paperback. Even Amazon does't always have a deal on them.

Always my hero.

Folks! Let's don't jump to conclusion, please. OP never stated anything about wanting free movies. Only that he was not pleased with the cost of them and books.

That is why this thread was not closed. I also think that this discussion has run it's course. OP has been helped with suggestions and so....the time has come.

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