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notations in forscore disappear.


iPF Noob
May 25, 2023
Reaction score
I have a problem with my forscore app on my ipad: when i finished making notations in a score, I want to leave the notation-mode and then suddenly the notations are partly or totally gone. What can I do?
Sounds like a bug in the app, maybe a delay before notations are saved. I'd check with the developer site and/or comments in the App Store to see if it is a common problem.

Here are a few things you can try, experimentally.

1) Instead of leaving the notation mode, close the app. This should force a save if the app is working correctly.

2) Wait a a few minutes before closing the notation mode. Maybe the app isn't saving as often as it should. Badly written if it has any delay in saving, but who knows.

3) Look for an Save option in the app. If it exists you can force a save. This is rarely needed in iPad apps, but some apps developed for other platforms then ported to iPadOS have explicit Save options.

4) Make certain you are using the most current version of the app. If you are lucky this bug has already been fixed.

That is all I can think off.
The problem persists, there are several reports on the net.
Here in july 2024 I am writing the text in a different layer, waiting a little to give time for saving, and then merging.
It works for me.

Someone also wrote: " if I go to the layers tab on the far right of the editing bar, I could hold down (on the picture of the layer) and copy the edits that were saved under page layers and paste them onto the score layers page and that kept them from disappearing"

But I am relatively new to this stuff ...
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