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Note taking recommendation needed


iPF Noob
I am looking for an App I can access from my iPad, iPhone, and or PC. I want to be able to create folders to organize notes. It would be nice if when I create a new note it is time stamped.

Simple text is fine.

If possible I would also like to set up a reminder alarm to remind me to do something in my note.

What does anyone suggest?
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I agree with Gabriel1. But free account has some restrictions. I’m using also Awesome Note with Google App sync.
I finally broke down and started paying the $5 a month for the paid Evernote account. So far, one less cup of chia seems to be worth it.

I did this after I needed some info for the car repair shop. After waiting an embarrassingly long time for the note to download, I accidentally overwrote the info. The paid account can keep all (or some) of your notebooks synced to the device for local access, and you can go back into your note history (though not on the iPad) to recover from mistakes.

For reminder alarms, I use either the Calendar app or Reminders. Calendar for stuff that has to be done on a specific day or time, Reminders for more flexible stuff like groceries or projects.

The desktop version of Evernote can generate links to the note. These links can be pasted into the url field of Calendars. When tapped they open Evernote to the linked note. Unfortunately the iPad version of Evernote can not (yet) create the links, but they do work on the iPad once they are synced.
Does Evernote allow you to create folders to store notes?

They call them notebooks, but they are pretty much the same thing.

It also has good built in search. If you have the paid account it will even attempt to add any text in photos to the search results.

I recommend you go to Evernote.com and read up on the features and such.
Try Listary works and syncs between iphone, ipad and pc using an app called simplenote. Works great has folders and alarms.

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