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Note taking that exports to text/rtf


iPF Noob
Have reviewed several note taking applications for the iPad and they all seem to fall short is different areas, (no single app has all features) either due to:
1. no handwriting recognition
2. No audio recording
3. No password protection on notes
4. No folder management for notes
5. No mix of graphics plus OCR plus text
6. Several lack (even easily selectable) basic formatting options such as bullets, font selection, underline, bold etc
7. No ability to export as editable text

I need handwriting recognition and can live with points 2-5 if I have to, unless someone can advise otherwise, but if I am using the iPad to take notes which I need to share and collaborate with my colleagues, these need to be editable. Every app I have seen can only export as a PDF and even then once on the PC, can only be exported as an image from Acrobat. Help!!!!
The apps I have tried include:
- sundry notes
- phatpad
- ido notepad
- upad
- write pad
- notify
- mobile noter
- one note

And on the topic of handwriting recognition, why can we not get a app that uses a facility similar to the T3 input text options on the old palm devices, or even that of the windows CE devices? The old CE devices had excellent handwriting recognition in a dedicated input panel requiring very little screen real estate, using a fully functional WORD application which could be synced with the PC and hence be shared with other users. I believe these are seriously lacking features in the iPad domain.

Would appreciate any feedback on the above requirements.
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here more than willing to assist when needed.

With respect to your laundry list for note taking, AFAIK no one program has everything you're looking for. WritePad and PhatPad are the only two I'm aware of that come close.
Others may have some additional suggestions.

Welcome again, please take a look at the forum rules, user manuals and other information linked below my signature to get the most out of our forum and let us know how your search goes!
richsadams said:
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here more than willing to assist when needed.

With respect to your laundry list for note taking, AFAIK no one program has everything you're looking for. WritePad and PhatPad are the only two I'm aware of that come close.
Others may have some additional suggestions.

Welcome again, please take a look at the forum rules, user manuals and other information linked below my signature to get the most out of our forum and let us know how your search goes!

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately there was no signature to your post nor was there any links you spoke of.

richsadams said:
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here more than willing to assist when needed.

With respect to your laundry list for note taking, AFAIK no one program has everything you're looking for. WritePad and PhatPad are the only two I'm aware of that come close.
Others may have some additional suggestions.

Welcome again, please take a look at the forum rules, user manuals and other information linked below my signature to get the most out of our forum and let us know how your search goes!

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately there was no signature to your post nor was there any links you spoke of.

This part...those are the links.


If you're using our Discussion Forum for iPad App (highly recommended BTW), or the Forum Runner App they look a little different but they're there as well.

Any any case, here are the links...

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I would recommend Note Taker HD for handwriting - very good indeed. Doesn't have audio but will do keyboard entry.

I would also love to have a Grafitti enabled iPad app so that I can export direct to PC and use Google Desk Top to search, but there doesn't seem to be anything available. However, I've got rid of my A4 pads so I've moved forward substantially!
Check out Notability. Records audio, exports to rtf, txt, PDF; saves to dropbox; lots of options. Not sure about everything you listed but I've tried a ton of note apps and it's one of the best I've seen.

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

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