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Numbers app on ipad 2


iPF Noob
Anyone please help me. I downloaded the NUMBERS APP on my iPad 2.
I used the orientation pages and started a new budget page. I have been editing the data to use my own data with no problems however after adding 5 or 6 categories and then adding the data below it will not appear above.
Meaning when I add data in the bottom table to a category listed in the first let's say 4 category's I edited the data changes and I see the additions above and it shows in the charts with no problem. However after adding the 5 category and so on and so on from that 5th category onwards when I enter the data it will NOT show any addition or data added from the bottom table to the top.
I know I'm not making any sense but I hope someone else is having the same problems. Please help.

Thank you
Ok, I'm assuming you are using the included Budget template. If you are not , or I've misunderstood what your problem is, give me some more details and I'll take another run at it.

You probably have to enter the formulas for the new Categories. The template only has the needed formulas on the Category rows already added. To see formulas double tap on the cell, just as you would if you were going to enter data. Here is what the last formula looks like.


The cells below the Other row are empty. They need this formula, appropriately modified. You could try entering it yourself, or you could try copy and paste, then modify the result. Fortunately there is an easier way.

Tap the cell once and you should get a popup menu. One of the options is Fill. It will surround the cell with a yellow box.


Where you see the double line at the bottom of the box, tap and drag it down until all the cells from the other category are selected. When you release it, the formula will be copied, and better than copied. It will also adjust it so that it refers to the correct cells. If you make a mistake just tap undo and try again.

You'll have to do the same thing for the Difference column.
Thank you so very much. You understood my question perfectly.
I will follow your guidance,once again thank you.
No problem.

BTW, you'll need to adjust the pie chard as well. Select it, then select Edit References from the popup menu. In the Actual column drag the selection down to include your new categories. Tap the chart again to end the edit. Be careful not to tap any cells, or you'll change the range. Use Undo is necessary.
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Well your advice was great and very clear thank you so much.
I am now making budget charts a plenty great restored my faith in the app. You've been a great help cannot say thank you enough.

Kind regards.
Oh one last question. Am I able to DELETE sheets added to my budget template without effecting the data in the budget sheet already entered????
Any advice would help as I've managed to add multiple sheets but I don't need them :-(.
As long as you did not use data from one sheet to compute something on the other, you should be fine. Just tap the sheet's tab and you'll get a popup menu with the delete option.

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