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Offline maps using Ipad 2 - confused


  1. Does CoPilot Live work with iPad and iPad 2?CoPilot Live is only fully compatible with 3G models of iPad and iPad 2. It can run on Wi-Fi iPads however these devices do not have a GPS receiver, so you will need to purchase an external GPS receiver in order to use turn-by-turn guidance."

    External GPS receivers are quite cheap - I've never tried one with an iPad though...

    CoPilot will store the maps for the whole of the USA on your device so does not need a connection.
I'm also interested in this capability, but Navigon is a $60 app + $20 traffic addon and as mentioned with the TomTom app it would almost be better to just buy the GPS. So which App is best used to show directions while offline? Sort of like when you use Google Maps, you set your endpoints and print the directions. I'd like to see the same capability, less the printing part, but just save the set of directions to the iPad.

I use Navigon and if it cannot get a gps link it will show you a simulated route. I love this app - paid $60 for it and was able to load on both my ipad and iphone so have a GPS on both for one price. When I am the navigator on a trip I use the ipad and have a nice big map.
Is there an ap that allows you to cache/save multiple destinations in the native Ipad2 Map program? I know it allows one destination to be cached where you do not need wifi. It would be very handy to have IMO and I already have nav in my car.

Thank you,

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