So I just saw another post referring to Pandora as an app and having seen similar posts before I did an iTunes store search which came up with nothing named "Pandora". As someone had just referred to it here tonight I found that odd so I googled the term and found that it was indeed an app technically called "Pandora Radio". While apps have been closed, cancelled or otherwise terminated in the past I didnt think it too odd but decided to search one more time with the full name and guess what ...
Canadians are getting screwed by Apple
A search for "Pandora Radio" comes up the app but when you click on "free app" you get asked to move to the "US iTunes" store as this app is not available in Canada and guess what ... as a Cdn you cant have a US iTunes account ! so exactly how many apps are we missing ? This is pretty silly (unless I am missing something about this app that prevents it from working 20 minutes north of the US border where I live) 

So silly!
Canadians are getting screwed by Apple

So silly!
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