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On a another forum i was told this about the people who use a Ipad


iPF Noob
you guys think i have my tinfoil on a little to tight them . on one of the forums i belong to about homesteading your land ..one part of the forum deals with homeschooling your childern in a homestead set up ..we had this great post about the basic use of the ipad tablet unit as a learning system for smaller childern to be taught at home with the pad load with diff series of games and things that the kid could learn from along with ..then is one person who just joined the forum made this post on the statement of useing the ipad in the homeschooling and people who homeschool there kids .

the people who homeschool are to stupid to enjoy the good free education this great country of our gives us in a free school system along with people who use the ipad are allowing themselfs to dumb down just like the homeschoolers ..for anyone who use a device like that in there life has nothing better to do with there life than sit and play with a stupid product that apple put outs for the mass of the so called stupid people..

when i went back to look at the thread the thread was locked and now it gone from the forum and the guy is banned ..so much for that free thinking anti -apple fanboy grouping
Well, free thinking is one thing, flaming in a forum a different. I can tell, what I think, as we all are free, aren't we?!

But I also have to abide the rules of netiquette. Flaming is one thing, which you don't do in a public forum.
the post where all in favor of useing the ipad as a basic home schooling tool unit ..it was diff ideas what should be loaded onto the unit to be used for schooling ..
Home schooling is an excellent alternative to the state run schools for some folks. My 25 year old son making $90k a year, without a college degree, is just one tiny example...

I think the iPad would be an incredible tool for homeschooling as well as the state run classroom. As the iPad progresses I think education, industry, the sciences and the arts will find new and innovative ways to use the technology :)
you guys think i have my tinfoil on a little to tight them . g

Do you guys make those tin foil hats out of the tin foil from around Wrigley's chewing gum or is that from red neck tobacco?

i do not use tinfoil anymore ..i go with the metal pots they work better at blocking the radio beams..:D

only a southern good old boy would ask that question ..it just got me for we where haveing a nice little post about useing something like a ipad in the classroom and then this guy comes into the post and he miss it all up with his tinfoil beening a little to tight on the head for i mean if had said in a nice way i do not think the thread would been closed and the person banned but the way he said was not goood . ..

most of the people who are the forum are trying there hand what is called smalllot homesteading about useing the back yard as the soucre of food production complex with a small green house and raised bed gardens for food growing with a small composting bin for basic composting for the gardens along with small dwarf fuits trees in the backyard to help grow and can there own food to help cut down on there food bills ..
I grew up on a farm where we had an orchard of huge apple trees that yielded up to 15 or more bushels at times per tree. We sold some land to some city slickers and they planted these tiny fruit trees about eight foot tall when full grown.

We got hundreds of pounds of apples from each tree which were difficult to pick because they were so large. We also had horses which ate the low hanging fruit if we weren't watching.

Boy that was weird. You could not even climb high enough to fall and break an arm.
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