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One app to read them all? (ebooks that is)


iPF Noob
I have been trying to find an app that will let me have one location for all by ebooks. From library check outs to Nook, Amazon and ibooks. Im not sure there is such a think but all the forums and stuff i have read are either old or talk about stuff like striping the lock. I dont want to do anything illegel im just hoping that there is an app now that might be more of a universal ebook app. Some of the books i now want are not Ibooks and before i buy them other places i would like to try for one big read all app so that i dont have to hunt and peck threw different apps to find the book i currently might want to read and so that i know what i already have before i buy it again some place else on sale or what have you. Yes i know retailers dont seam to want to play well with others but its a fact that some book sellers offer book cheaper and some dont offer them at all (ie my current inablility to get the Evan Katy books from Ibooks). Im really new to the who ipad/apps in general thing so i might not even be looking in the right place too.

I was gonna try posting this in the Apple Community but i keep getting the message...

"We'll be back soon. We are busy updating Apple Discussions for you and will be back shortly.

I have been trying for days but every time i fill out an new discussion and hit finish i get the same message so i've desided to try here with the hopes someone might have some ideas. :)


Nope no single app. ibooks aren't compatible with anything else same for kindle etc.

Only possibility is stripping DRM but I think ibooks are totallly a different format and unreadable by anything else, and besides you don't want to do that.

Just have all the reading apps on your ipad and select the correct app for the book you want.
Nope no single app. ibooks aren't compatible with anything else same for kindle etc.

Only possibility is stripping DRM but I think ibooks are totallly a different format and unreadable by anything else, and besides you don't want to do that.

Just have all the reading apps on your ipad and select the correct app for the book you want.

Thanks. I dont want to have strip anything. I just wanted one location for all my books. I have Kindle, Nook, Ibooks and more but i just wanted them all in one location cause then i wouldnt have to open each one to find the book i was looking for.
You could have all your book reader apps in the same folder,but you would have to remember which book was in which app.
Or go to the trouble of getting and maintaining a third database/library app, where you record all your books and what app they are in. (shudder)
A possible work-around (since you want to keep your DRM) might be similar to what I do. I use a combination of 'Calibre' & 'Dropbox'. Calibre is a (free) DB manager for your books, & Dopbox is 'cloud' storage (2GB free, if you need more - there is a cost). By keeping my Calibre libraries (one for 'Already read' & one for 'Unread') on Dropbox, I only add an ebook to my iPad when I'm ready to read it & 'Open with' the appropriate reader app. Calibre keeps folders by author then title. For more info on Calibre check out Mobileread.com (forum) or calibre-ebook.com.

This achieves the effect I want and keeps most of my ebooks off my iPad's memory, thus freeing that memory for more immediate requirements. Anywhere I have access to internet, I can get my books onto the iPad.

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