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One-click Power Mode Utility?


iPF Noob

I am wondering if there is an app that allows me to setup power configurations? I want to set various things when I have the ipad 2 plugged in, and different settings when I am not plugged in. For example, I have wireless, push notifications, location services, bright screen, bluetooth for example, all on when I have the ipad in my luxa 2 stand and I am using my wireless keyboard. But when I want to unplug and go, I have to manually change the settings so I can preserve the power, such as switching off bluetooth, location services and wireless, etc. Would be great to have some app for this but I couldn't find anything.

Thanks in advance!

SBSettings and SBScheduler from the Cydia store can do most all of these things if your jailbroken. I have mine setup to turn off 3G, WiFi, Cellular data, locations and dim the display and turn the ringer down at 12AM, and then turn WiFI on and raise the ringer volume and display at 7AM. If I were still working, I would have it raise the ringer and display up to 100% at 7:30am to 8AM the turn them back down when I got to work. This is just a small sample of what it can do.

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