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Ordering through AT&T site

Our 2 that we ordered on launch day went thru a similar dance on status, but card was charged that Sunday and we had them Tuesday. In general from what I was told, as they ship it charges...
Guess what??????? It's on the way!!!!! YIPPIE!!! When I got up this morning there was an email with the tracking number. It was in Texas!!!! It's coming by regular mail, which I find very interesting. Anyway, I'll keep you posted.
Mine is showing billing information received or something with a ups tea jig number. Hell I'm in Texas want to trade lol and take mine from ups

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Atcually is says:

A UPS shipping label has been created. Once the shipment arrives at our facility, the tracking status--including the scheduled delivery date--will be updated.

Which was the same thing it showed yesterday. It may be on it's way already

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I wonder why they are using regular mail with mine?? The first time I ordered the iPad2 from AT&T they sent out the iPad 1!!!!! When I got home there was a package sitting on my step. Keep in mind that NO ONE SIGNED for it!!! Even though I was told that someone must be there to accept the package. AT&T is doing whatever their little minds tell them to do.
When I ordered the cover for it (apple) THAT was sent by FedEx or UPS (too excited to remember which one) so why AT&T would send by regular mail is a mystery to me. Who cares!!! Just get it here!!!!!!!!
Well randomly it showed up in ft. Worth texas. Seeing how I'm 1:45 mins away I hope it is at AT&T when I get off work.

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Well, the mail carrier just left :-( nothing for me. Yes, I realize it was just in Texas last night, but can't blame me for wishing. Hopefully, tomorrow! I did call the Postal service to inquire WHEN I should expect to receive it, and of course they have NO CLUE. They must double as AT&T employees! LOL
I find it interesting that there is NO expected delivery date ANYWHERE on the shipping confirmationm and how is it that the Post Office has no clue as to when I can expect to receive the package?:confused: This is a lesson to me; NEVER use AT&T again. :p
blessed said:
I did call the Postal service to inquire WHEN I should expect to receive it, and of course they have NO CLUE. They must double as AT&T employees! LOL

.... how is it that the Post Office has no clue as to when I can expect to receive the package?:confused: This is a lesson to me; NEVER use AT&T again. :p

This is why i don't feel bad for the USPS going under. I swear ups will be next. I would love it if fedex was the required mail system.

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Ok it shipped today at 8am but my scheduled delivery is Thursday at the end of the day? Takes that much time to go 150miles...oh well at least it will be here soon.

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FedEx is on the MONEY!!! They are about business and doing it right! The others are shrimps at the bottom of the sea.....................
At least you have some idea of when your package will arrive. Wish the Postal Service gave me some clue as to when I can expect mine. I guess they say; "when you receive it, then you'll have it!" :D
Well my iPad is 2 day air through at&t for an hour and a half drive. They sticking to that schedule. It is sitting at the airport 20 mins from my house or at the ups place 15 mins from my house. Still says it won't be delivered to at&t until tmw at the end of the day. I can feel the iPad in my paws...

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STILL waiting! I actually sat outside and waited for the mail carrier today. :( What a JERK I was! How long does it take t get here (Florida) from Texas?!?!?! I actually had him get out of his truck and open the back to make "sure" my package wasn't there. Hopefully tomorrow.................................. I'll be sitting outside (again) waiting patiently for him to pull up, looking like a desperate junkie.
blessed said:
I actually had him get out of his truck and open the back to make "sure" my package wasn't there.

That's the funniest thing Ever. Well hope it come soon.

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