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Otterbox defender


iPF Noob
Sep 29, 2010
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
Hello all. On my second day of owning an iPad, FedEx delivered me an Otterbox Defender. I got to tell you, this thing is awesome. I have the Otterbox on my iPhone 3GS, and this one is just as well built. It definitely would recommend it to anyone who carries their iPad out of the house for use!
It is pretty good I hear. I have the one for my iPhone 4 and it is annoying the crap out of me....that damn belt clip is TOO damn....err....not sure the proper word for it but I have to FIGHT it just to get if OFF of my belt.

Had the Otterbox and had to discard it. The dam thing couldn't cone off. Furthermore every time I had to charge it I had to remove the part which covers the port for charging. I use VGA a lot and again this means I have to remove parts to hook up.
I am not even going to mention the vastly increase weight as a result.
I was totally disappointed.
Just ordered mine! I have the otter box for my iPhone4 a bit bulky but I know it's safe! Can't wait till the iPad one comes in!!
I've got this case, amongst others! It's definately built to protect the iPad but I don't know, for me I lose some of the feel of the device as it's SO protected! Each to their own I guess, I'm currently using a TeckNet leather folio case but am now considering the Moleskine folio as I used to use Moleskine before I switched to electronic calendar etc!
I have the Otterbox Defender for my IPad and I love it. This is my 4th and LAST Ipad case that I have tried. First I tried a silicone wrap deal and hated that it didn't have a stand. Then I had a leather folio that I bought off Amazon for around $15...and well, it was nice for about 2 weeks but then started to fall apart. Then I bought the Booq case/folio and it looked nice online, but boy was it disapointing. After a week I sent it back because the strap was already stretched out and it would hold it up at all.

I have an Otterbox for my Blackberry and I should have known to order one earlier. The Ipad Otterbox is around 80/90 bucks online, but I got mine for $50 off Amazon. I am in a wheelchair and I travel alot for work, so it gets alot of damage/wear and tear. The stand works GREAT and it is definitely safe from all my drops and falls it gets on a daily basis.
At first, I thought I wouldn't like the Otterbox Defender. I had it on my old 3GS and stopped using it after some time because of the bulky size and the belt clip's occasionally faulty nature.

I never read instructions, so I only discovered the stand inside this thing after a couple of days. Removing the cover for charging is really no big deal for me since I'm usually in the car when I charge.

I wish taking off the main cover and snapping it on the back side while using iPad was less cumbersome, but it's a good system overall. It's certainly not a perfect case, but I haven't switched back to my incase portfolio style case since the day I got the Otterbox.
I just picked one up today from a store in downtown Toronto. A bit pricey, but definitely worth it. I don't find the weight increase that big a deal. I use my unit for business and carry it on me all the time, so the added protection is definitely a plus.
Which store in Toronto? - having trouble locating a defender. Thank you

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