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OtterBox's iPad 2 Defender Series Case is now available to order!!!


iPF Noob
I have OtterBox cases on mine and my wife's iPhones (we have a two year old and are both prone to dropping our phones occasionally). I've been using a Targus leather case, that, no matter what the box says, wasn't made for an iPad 2. The back camera hole doesn't even line up and the power button and orientation switch are quite difficult to access. Besides, like I said we have a two year old. The Targus is going back to Best Buy (It was a gift, I shop almost exclusively online and pay a lot less in most instances BestBuy=WorstBuy in my book).

I got an email at 12:18pm CST that the OtterBox iPad 2 Defender Series Case was available to order. It took a few minutes to set up an account with OtterBox, my order confirmation arrived at 12:38pm! Now. if I can just manage to keep from breaking this thing until it arrives...

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black
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I like OtterBox cases there really tough cases, but I think for the iPad 2 its kind of bulky. If they make one thats a bit thinner and can be compatible with the smartcover I would get one for sure.
I don't like the otterbox for the iPad 2 because it doesn't totally cover up the bezel all the way to the screen like the one for my iPad 1.
I have otter for my ip4, but I feel if you need one for iPad you probably don't need an iPad, like putting an otter on a net book lol..jmo
Agreed on the OtterBox's weight and bulk. I received one as a gift for iPad 1 and returned it. At the time, there was a big price difference between the Costco price and the price elsewhere, so buyers might want to look for it there if they have memberships. I don't have a membership, but my brother said if I ever want anything, he could have it shipped to me with his membership. Maybe others can do something similar if they know a member.
jmorton10 said:
The otter box for iPad is such a heavy clunky thing I can't imagine needing it unless you REALLY ABUSE your unit.

I don't plan to abuse it but I have a two year old, a 3 month old and a somewhat clumsy Wife that might. As far as heavy goes; It can't be any heavier than this Targus portfolio thing I'm using. The idea of a minimalist case just sounds like trouble in my situation.

Munky said:
I don't like the otterbox for the iPad 2 because it doesn't totally cover up the bezel all the way to the screen like the one for my iPad 1.

Actually I like that. The Defender for the iPhone makes it difficult to touch the edges of the screen. My Wife, who has smaller fingers doesn't have that problem. We both recently switched to Commuter cases for our iP4s mostly because the hard plastic is on the outside allowing it to be put in/pulled out of a pocket easier.

Kaykaykay said:
....big price difference between the Costco price and the price elsewhere...

NewEgg.com usually has the best price going but I need the thing yesterday and it wasn't listing on NewEgg or Amazon yet when I placed my order, besides there is usually a high demand when a new product comes out so the price drop from retail takes a few days or even weeks.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black
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Kaykaykay said:
....big price difference between the Costco price and the price elsewhere...

NewEgg.com usually has the best price going but I need the thing yesterday.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black

Those who can wait might want to check Costco. It was sell the iPad 1 Otterbox for half retail price, better than NewEgg. That was during Christmas, and it was regular Costco price. I haven't checked since, but I would if I were in the market. Love the Internet for that -- instant comps.
•Amazon has it for $19.75 off retail and $6.95 shipping charge ($12.80 overall savings) BUT they have it listed as "Usually ships with 3-5 weeks"!

•NewEgg still doesn't have it listed at all.

•I purchased mine from OtterBox's website and have received an order confirmation and a receipt but no tracking info, yet. Of course that's not surprising for an order placed after noon on a Friday. I did pay full retail price but shipping was free.

•It comes with a "free" protective film for the screen but I seriously doubt I'll be able to apply it on such a large screen without bubbles or dust screwing it up. I bought the last ones for our (mine and the Wife's) iPhone 4's at the Apple store and got the guy there to put them on the phones. Customer service is where Apple really shines.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black
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OtterBox didn't bother sending me a tracking number, even though I paid extra to get it shipped FedEx 3 day ground. Anyway, It arrived today.

I'm usually not one to read instructions but while waiting for it to become available and then while waiting for it to arrive I watched the video on how to install it a few times and I'm sure having seen it at least helped things go a little faster. It probably took me slightly longer than the guy in the video to make sure the silicone was snapped in around the dock door thing but it was still easy and will be easier anytime I have to remove/reinstall it for cleaning.

The combined package is still very lightweight and much handier to use than my previous Tagus tri-fold case. The silicone feels much more secure in my hands than the bare iPad 2 which I can easily visualize dropping. I like the stand/screen cover. It makes typing more natural (the Targus didn't do the lower angle). I'll attempt to apply the screen film at some point but just don't want to bother right now.

Overall I'm very happy and have a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that my new favorite time waster is well protected and handier (at least for me) to use.


On a side note I'm now waiting on a new green and black Reflex case for my iPhone 4. I liked the Defender but needed to be more discreet carrying it at work. So, I got a Commuter. I really like it because it'll slip into my pocket but I got black on black being none of the other colors offered suit me. The Reflex is supposed to be even thinner and more importantly comes in what at least appears online to be olive drab green over black.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black
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I have an Otterbox for my iP4, and I love it. However, I wasn't thrilled about the Otterbox for the iPad2. I don't like the snap-on cover/stand thing, and I miss the integrated screen protector like my Defender has. I also didn't like that it only comes in black - I need some color, especially if I'm paying that much for a case.

I ended up ordering the Gumdrop Drop Series case. It's made very similar to an Otterbox Defender - has several layers of protection and a special screen protector. It looks a lot sleeker compared to the Otterbox as well.
I have an Otterbox for my iP4, and I love it. However, I wasn't thrilled about the Otterbox for the iPad2. I don't like the snap-on cover/stand thing, and I miss the integrated screen protector like my Defender has. I also didn't like that it only comes in black - I need some color, especially if I'm paying that much for a case.

I ended up ordering the Gumdrop Drop Series case. It's made very similar to an Otterbox Defender - has several layers of protection and a special screen protector. It looks a lot sleeker compared to the Otterbox as well.

Just ordered this too Military Edition iPad 2 Case | iPad 2 Cases | Hard Candy Cases I canceled my order for the Otterbox Defender case. Love the color of this one!

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