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Parental control (for parent!)


iPF Noob
I use my iPad a lot for reading books, writing and drawing. My problem is, I'm far too easily diverted from these activities. Generally, I'm within wireless range of web access at all times, and I find it an irresistible temptation to check up on things all the time. A stray thought will cross my mind while I'm reading, writing or drawing, and rather than park it away for future reference, I'm into google and following a trail that could lead anywhere and can waste valuable time. This happens repeatedly, despite my best endeavours.

I also check the news and the weather a ridiculous number of times a day. I seem to be incapable of restricting this mad impulse. I'm not involved in FaceTime or twitter, but I can see how easily I could be. I still shudder at the memory of a gathering I went to recently where every guest carried their mobile device about like unweaned babies. I even found one couple texting each other while in the same room!

I've decided I need a form of parental control on my Internet usage. I toyed with the idea of a straightforward time allowance, installed on my router, allowing me to access the web only during certain hours of the day. The problem with that was I need some functions - email, Skype and FaceTime - to be on permanent alert.

So, my question is, is there any way (not involving ongoing self discipline) that would enable me to use my iPad internet capabilities freely during certain hours of the day, and limit it to specific functions (email, Skype, FaceTime, messages) for the rest of the time?
My experience is you're either connected or not.
So it comes down to willpower; our last individual freedom.


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Hi Dod - boy, sounds familiar, i.e. I'm reading a book and all of a sudden I'm playing one of the few games that I have the the iPad. First, I'm not sure if there is a third party app for the device that would allow controlling the iPad in the fashion desired; however, if you use your iPad often in the presence of a spouse, friend, etc., I guess you could have that person setup a passcode for 'Restrictions' that you do not know - you could have the restrictions adjusted according to your needs (see THIS SUPPORT ARTICLE) - of course, would require that person being present to 'turn off' restrictions when you are ready to surf or whatever - well, it's early in the morning & I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, so maybe 'something' better will come to me shortly - ;) Dave
it comes down to willpower; our last individual freedom.


I'm all for willpower, but I'm exhausting mine on a daily basis fighting off urges for chocolate, coffee, snacks in general, sexual fantasies, cold beers, etc, etc. The utter reasonableness of most of what I intend to do online pales by comparison, until I find myself doing something else, half an hour later.

Considering the amazing variety of ways we can spend (and waste) time online, it seems odd to me nobody has come up with an automated means of organising our access. It needn't be Ironclad. It would work for me so long as getting around it took more than fifteen seconds. I can resist the chocolate bar in the shop around the corner far more easily than the one in my pantry.

Having my spouse as my gatekeeper is certainly an idea! However, I haven't yet admitted to her I'm not wholly in control of my internet usage.

It's such a shame there's no time element to 'restrictions', which would allow it to apply only during certain hours.
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Having my spouse as my gatekeeper is certainly an idea! However, I haven't yet admitted to her I'm not wholly in control of my internet usage.

It's such a shame there's no time element to 'restrictions', which would allow it to apply only during certain hours.

Well, iOS 7 should be out in the near future - maybe Apple will put a 'new twist' on restrictions? Good luck - Dave :)
I have used opendns.com to do what you are asking. I am a foster parent and need LOTS of mor control than you are asking. Opendns is able to work fine for me in the free version. Read it, there is lots of kinds of control to use.

If you have specific questions setting up, ask here too besides there.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, still lots room left in 64GB

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