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Paste to Pages


iPF Novice
Feb 5, 2011
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I copy an image from a book in iBooks or a PDF in Print n Share on the iPad 3.

If I paste in mail the image will paste. However, if I tap to paste it in a blank document in Pages the Insert dialogue pops up. A blank document in QuickOffice does nothing when I tap.

If I copy an image from a PDF on Dropbox and paste in Pages the HTML is pasted. A paste in Mail shows the image. QuickOffice shows the HTML.

How can I paste the image in an app other than Mail on the iPad 3? I would really like to be able to paste an image in Pages.



Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF
I copy an image from a book in iBooks or a PDF in Print n Share on the iPad 3.

If I paste in mail the image will paste. However, if I tap to paste it in a blank document in Pages the Insert dialogue pops up. A blank document in QuickOffice does nothing when I tap.

If I copy an image from a PDF on Dropbox and paste in Pages the HTML is pasted. A paste in Mail shows the image. QuickOffice shows the HTML.

How can I paste the image in an app other than Mail on the iPad 3? I would really like to be able to paste an image in Pages.



Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF

I just tried this in Pages. Tap on an image in Safari and select copy. Tap in a blank document in Pages and select Paste and the image appeared and you can move, resize etc.
Is this what you are trying to achieve?
Yes, except I want to do it from a book in iBooks

BTW, if the page in Safari is showing a PDF, when you copy and paste in pages, the HTML code is pasted. Do the same paste in Mail and the image shows instead of the HTML code.

Also, I am puzzled as to why one cannot select/copy from a PDF in iBooks.

Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF
You can take a screen shot of the image, which can then be cropped if required and added to the Pages doc using the add media function.
I was hoping to find a more straightforward approach.

Sent from my iPad 3 using iPF

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