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PDF importing into Pages


iPF Noob
I went thru the whole process of setting up my Dropbox account then linking it by way of DropDav so i can easily move a PDF from other apps to Pages. I tested this by transfering a PDF into my Dropbox and of course it shows up in Pages when i go to import using DropDav BUT the PDF is greyed out and not selectable so not transferable. I thought Pages could load PDFs? Or am i doing something wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.

Nvm i found my answer on the apple site.
What file formats does pages support : No PDF import just Export.

So then i guess my question would be is there a really good word processor that does?
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Just to clarify, are you looking to be able to edit the content of the PDF, just add content by overlaying it onto the PDF, or simply view/organize PDFs in an app?
While Pages can export it own native files, .doc, and pdf it can only import native pages files and .doc.

Only save in PDF when you want to export a fully crossplatform read only document. This is pretty typical. Most word processors will not read or edit a pdf file, and if they do only in very limited ways. Even Adobe Acrobat is designed to import and convert document. Creation of a document in Adobe Acrobat from scratch is a pain, at least the last time I used it. I admit that was a few years ago.

When you want to send something to someone (including yourself) who uses Office or another Office compatible program use the .doc format.

When you want to be able to edit the document again on the iPad with maximum compatibility then be sure to save a copy as a Pages file.

There is no reason you can't save the same file multiple times, as a pdf to share and a pages file for later updating.
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What i was trying to accomplish i found out can be done in GoodReader. I wanted to be able to correct text in a scanned pdf form by overlaying new text and have it cover over the old. But like i said i found my app :)

Thank you all

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