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PDF's saving from Safari

Actually, I wouldn't say goodreader is a better PDF reader.. Using it through iBooks seems faster and snappier to me. The process is kind of a pain in the ass honestly. You basically have to get it to open through your mail or dropbox works too... Good luck! Might be easier getting it on goodreader however.
Actually, I wouldn't say goodreader is a better PDF reader.. Using it through iBooks seems faster and snappier to me. The process is kind of a pain in the ass honestly. You basically have to get it to open through your mail or dropbox works too... Good luck! Might be easier getting it on goodreader however.

Actually I did a side-by-side test and while iBooks is faster, the quality of the GoodReader was head-and-shoulders better, but it also eats more battery.

I guess that is logical.
It can be done all on iPad

This is a pain, but you can use GoodReader to get it into iBooks, all on the iPad.

1. Copy the URL of the PDF you want.
2. In GoodReader, under Web Downloads, choose Enter a URL and download the PDF.

3. Go to Manage Files, select the PDF you just downloaded, and choose "Open In..." on the right.

4. Select iBooks.

5. You're done!
I find its eaven easier using the iCab webbrowser which is terrific compared with Safari. iCab has a built in download manager which will allow you to open the pdf straight to iBooks or any other pdf app you prefer.
On my iPhone I previously used Safari with Safari Download Manager off Cydia, but honestly I find iCab renders this unecessary now (and I've been waiting for an iPad version of Safari Download Manager for a while now)

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