Don't ask me why Apple chose this key combo, but it is alt+3. By the way, try some other Alt+ combinations, the will give you some useful ones.
Regarding your delayed shipment. I am very sorry for the way this has been handled. I'm sorry if I confused you earlier by my comment. I was just saying I wanted to get the facts and report back to you. I knew it had something to do with our UK fulfillment but I didn't want to even guess the specifics. Now I've got them.
I want to start by making it very clear that this is not an excuse, it is an explanation of an unexpected combination of events. For the new Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG, we decided to use our new fulfillment center in Ireland to handle all orders in the EU and surrounding areas. In so doing, our US fulfillment center didn't pay any attention to those orders. They may not have even seen them. For an odd set of circumstances I will not even try to explain here, the shipment never made it to Ireland. By the time we became aware of this, we transferred the responsibility to fulfill those orders back to our center in the US. By the time they received it, they were out. We ran out last Friday and got another large shipment today. This SHOULD be the very last time we ever have more than the standard 1-2 processing for this product. Check your email; yours may go out today, if not, Monday looks like a sure thing.
I am very sorry for the trouble this has caused and I appreciate the patience you have shown so far. The demand for this product has been tremendous and that little hiccup getting units to Ireland made your delays worse than anyone else. I am very sorry.