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Photo Manager Pro ap won't share with FB on Ipad2


iPF Noob
Have Photo Manager Pro (PMP) ap installed on Ipad2. Have numerous folders set up in PMP. I want to be able to select individual pics from any of the individual folders to upload to Facebook; however when in PMP and I choose to 'share' and 'FB', I get the message 'there is no FB account configured. Please open the general settings app to configure it.' I cen't find anything in the ipads general settings or FB's settings that would seem to relate to this.

Also, when I am in FB and try to choose 'photo', there are three options to select - one is 'Camera Roll', 'my Photo Stream', and only one of the many folders (the original folder that I set up) from my PMP vs. all of the ones in PM.

How do I get this to work so that I can access all of my PMP folders on FB? what am I mising? Thanks for any suggetions! I am not a techie!
If you are using iOS 6 or newer there is a FaceBook entry in the Settings app/icon. You will find the ability to set up your FaceBook account there. Once done, all apps that use FaceBooks login credentials (including the FaceBook app itself) will automatically work without asking for a user name or password.

In the Settings app you will find FaceBook a fair way down the left column, just after the native apps and before the third party app settings.

Also in this category are Twitter, Flickr, and Vimeo. All services that Apple has chosen to offer some level of system support for.

I can't help with the other questions, as I don't own Photo Manager Pro and am not familiar with it's features beyond the general description of what it does.

Good luck.
I don't think Photo Manager Pro will resize photos.

I've heard others make suggestions for apps that will resize, but I'm afraid none of the names stuck in my head. On the rare occasions I need to resize a photo I either email it to myself and use the built in sizes options, or I use an app on the Mac, usually Preview.

When you email a photo or photos, you should see an Image size to the right of the TO: line. You can tap that to chose between Actual, Large, Medium, and Small sizes. However, this option only shows up if the photo (or photos) are over a certain size. I think it's about 500K. Photos taken with an iPad 2 are rarely going to be over that, given its low res, 0.92 MP camera.

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