Here is mine from South Africa.
There's an iPhone 4s with Siri as my wallpaper to motivate me to study. If I do well in these final exam my dads will get me one
this Thread was created to show your Ipad in a specific location, like in front of a monument, billboard(sign), so we all could get an idea where you were when you took the photo. Photos in your room or on your desk are not what I implied when creating this Thread. Please keep the comments out, and only post actual photos. Moderators, can you delete non photos from this thread?
Let's keep the Photos from around the world thread going.
I've gone through this thread and removed every comment and those pictures that don't fit the original poster (Tagg)'s request.
So, please - let this be the last comment on this thread; only show pictures of your iPad at a place, per Tagg's request. You can always "Like" a picture (or send a PM to the poster for commenting)...
Oh, and do note that anything other than such pictures will be summarily removed. Thanks for your understanding.