I cannot figure out how to delete photos. there was a time I was able to tap the picture and a check mark would come then the top left of screen show DELETE, now That doesn't happen. Why?
Well I hope you have your photos sorted with great advice from both AQ_OC and Goofy
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I cannot figure out how to delete photos. there was a time I was able to tap the picture and a check mark would come then the top left of screen show DELETE, now That doesn't happen. Why?
You've already received some excellent advice on deleting images in the iPad's native Photo app - now these steps apply to your pictures in the 'Camera Roll' or those in 'Albums' that you create w/i the app. Some irritating features of this program: 1) Images or folders (albums) that you import into the app via iTunes cannot be deleted on the iPad - a sync (w/ the correct selections) must be done; and 2) Also, if you have created an album(s) w/i the app, and then delete the same images in the 'Camera Roll', those pictures will be removed from your created albums because only links (not duplications) are made in the created albums - can be quite frustrating if not fully understood. Hope that this additional information helps - good luck.