iPF Noob
the size difference is crazy.
So you trash it in this thread and trash the iPad 2 in the other?
64GB 3G White iPad
SweetPoison said:That'd be the story.
SweetPoison said:That'd be the story.
Like I said this guy fails at trolling. No one is falling for it.
64GB 3G White iPad
Tapmyapple said:Not liking it as much as ipad 2, so im going to return it this weekend.
- screen is too small and really crammed to type on
- no BBM and no dedicated email client
- dont like the OS as much as iOS4
- no home button...feels really wierd! You have to swipe up on the screen just above where it says blackberry.
- the volume keys arent flush, theyre angled so they stick out awkwardly
- lots are having tethering and power button issues
- theres a slight delay to the picture rotating when rotating the playbook
Thats just off the top of my head. I do like how its true 16:9 screen and not ipads 4:3.
And, if you have the expendable cash, why not. If I had a lot of extra money I might purchase a few other tablets just to compare them. Hell, I probably wouldn't even take them back but give them to family members as gifts if I didn't like them.
Well, because retailers have to factor in restocking and refunds into their overhead so they can still make a profit. Just makes things that much more expensive for people who do buy stuff...
So your saying people should be stuck with crummy "iPad killers"?