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Plants vs. Zombies is Free!


iPadForums News Team

[FONT=&amp]Today, courtesy of iDownload Blog, comes the exciting news that I never thought I’d hear: Plants vs. Zombies is free! Yes, it’s true! For the first time ever, PopCap is offering its wickedly successful game as a free download! As iDownload Blog notes, since its release in June 2010, the game has won more than 30 Game of the Year awards, and is arguably one of the most popular iOS games of all time. In case you’re not familiar with the gameplay, well, the title says it all really! The game features 50 Adventure mode levels, where you get to deploy your brave plant army against the invading zombie hordes. It’s incredible fun, and very addictive, and you must get it now! [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It’s not known whether or not this is a short-term offer, or if the game will be free from now onwards, so the best thing to do is download it as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Click here for the iPhone version: http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin...d350642635%3Fmt%3D8%26uo%3D4%26partnerId%3D30[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Click here for the iPad version: http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin...d363282253%3Fmt%3D8%26uo%3D4%26partnerId%3D30[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Source:[/FONT] Plants vs. Zombies goes free, get downloading
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