Hello. I'm new here. As the title suggests this is very important to me as we are frantically gathering photos for a funeral. Anyway im a PC user and always have been. Ive been religiously backing up my photos to my pc and external drive seemlesly for years and was always under the impression that I had every file safe and sound. In the last few years we have had many apple products flow through our house including a imac for my wife (now gone) many iphones and a ipad for about a year. Throughout this time phones have been synced to my pc and my wifes imac. Photos have obviously been synced to and fro and been deleted from original devices. Long story short the imacs gone. The ipad remains and has thousands of photos on it and I keep finding photos on there that are not on my pc that I thought were. I need to get them into my system on the pc. Obviously these photos have been originally synced from iphone to imac then synced to ipad!!!!! ARRRHHHH im so windows and very confused. Its like everything apple in my house has got all my pics and had a swap meet and the only one with all of them is the ipad!!!!! I know its my stupidity for years of neglect but I need this fixed. My thinking is, I would like to grab all the photos from the ipad and drop them on the external pc drive to know they are all doubled up and sort at a later date. I have tried using a photo transfer app but it only see's the photo albums on my ipad wich only hold a minority of the photos. Is there an application or program where I can bulk select photos from anywhere on the ipad and effortlessly transfer them at full quality to the pc. Im happy to pay money for programs and don't care if its via cable or wireless. I just need those photos on the pc. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.