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Popup Screen: Could Not Activate Cellular Data Network

Well, I found a work around, not one that makes me happy, but workable I guess. If I turn off Notifications, it stops. Of course all the other notifications stop as well, so it's not ideal. Plus, just because it isn't notifying me with the popup screen we're address in this post, doesn't mean it has stopping trying to check cellular data and thus continuing to waste battery.

Now I wonder which of the apps under Notifications is causing the problem. All those listed were free downloads from Apple. And yet it may not be the apps issue, but the iPad's build-in search function for app updated.
Hi, Tim. Well, he gave it a good shot, as we all did. When I get time, I'll try to isolate the issue. I might be able to tract it down to one of the apps. Could even be a virus within the apps, it's been known to happen, with Apple pulling it from their site once it's identified.
Now this is interesting, out of 13-apps, I only had three ON (obviously watching the battery again, my iPad sucks battery like a vampire!): Google, Textfree, and this iPAD 2 forum. Well, it couldn't be any more obvious to me had a brick landed on my head. Textfree works off cellular data, as one of it's components. Thus it's bound to be the problem. I'll have to disengage it and evaluate the results.
f4780y said:
Can't you just turn Airplane mode on? That should stop the pop-ups...

REALLY, I never thought of that! I'm so glad you jumped in, as I'd definitely not like to turn off Textfree. I'll give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion!
Oh wait, turning on Airplane mode wouldn't gain me anything different from turning of notifications. Neither actions would allow ANY notifications to work.
AkaCam9 said:
Oh wait, turning on Airplane mode wouldn't gain me anything different from turning of notifications. Neither actions would allow ANY notifications to work.

Yes it will. You can turn everything else back on, but you must have airplane mode on if you don't have a contract for your carrier, which in your case you don't. Otherwise the iPad will always try to activate itself all the time...

In this mode you can still turn WiFi on and have Airplane mode ON and Notifications ON. This solution will stop your Verizon iPad from trying to activate the 3G portion of you iPad, but will allow you to get notifications, emails, etc. whenver you are connected to WiFi.
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Airplane mode doesn't turn off all notifications? I thought that was the point of that function, so the iPad doesn't interfere with the airplane transmissions.
f4780y said:
Yes it will. You can turn everything else back on, but you must have airplane mode on if you don't have a contract for your carrier, which in your case you don't. Otherwise the iPad will always try to activate itself all the time...

In this mode you can still turn WiFi on and have Airplane mode ON and Notifications ON. This solution will stop your Verizon iPad from trying to activate the 3G portion of you iPad, but will allow you to get notifications, emails, etc. whenver you are connected to WiFi.

Oh, okay then, that's great to know. Thanks!
f4780y said:
Yes it will. You can turn everything else back on, but you must have airplane mode on if you don't have a contract for your carrier, which in your case you don't. Otherwise the iPad will always try to activate itself all the time...

In this mode you can still turn WiFi on and have Airplane mode ON and Notifications ON. This solution will stop your Verizon iPad from trying to activate the 3G portion of you iPad, but will allow you to get notifications, emails, etc. whenver you are connected to WiFi.

Oh okay, then that's great, thanks!
You are very welcome.

And to answer your previous question, I'm a boy, not a girl! :)

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