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Possibility of other tablets running iOS apps

jtrosky said:
Here's a new one - what would happen if Apple started to license iOS to other tablet developers? I don't know - I have a feeling that if Apple did that, most vendors would be running iOS on their tables and Apple would have even more market domination.

Actually, that's just how Apple screwed themselves before, right? They only license their OS to run on their MAC hardware. Meanwhile, Microsoft let everyone and their mother run Windows on any hardware - that's why Windows dominates right now... I see the same type of thing happening with iOS - actually, it already is happening for phones - that's why Android is now more popular than iOS - because it runs on anyones hardware.

I think you are missing the fact that MS are a software producer and Apple are a hardware producer, two completely different entities. Apple are unlikely to ever license there OS to anyone else.

Are Apple screwing themselves? Have you checked out their commercial figures, if that is a company screwing themselves then I'd love to run such an awful company!

The Archangel
jtrosky said:
Here's a new one - what would happen if Apple started to license iOS to other tablet developers? I don't know - I have a feeling that if Apple did that, most vendors would be running iOS on their tables and Apple would have even more market domination.

Actually, that's just how Apple screwed themselves before, right? They only license their OS to run on their MAC hardware. Meanwhile, Microsoft let everyone and their mother run Windows on any hardware - that's why Windows dominates right now... I see the same type of thing happening with iOS - actually, it already is happening for phones - that's why Android is now more popular than iOS - because it runs on anyones hardware.

But being "popular" or having market share is meaningless without taking anything eles into context. The one thing being ignored is profit. These companies only exist to make a return for their shareholders.
Out of Microsoft, Google, and Apple, I'm pretty sure I know which business model the other 2 wish they had...

$6B profit in a quarter with their always criticised, "minuscule" maket share... Sign me up...

The day Apple licence IOS or OSX I'll be truly amazed... And I'll also be cashing in my shares shortly afterwards...
Ok, that's enough replies from you smart people with thousands of posts! I can only convince dummies that can't think for themselves!

Seriously though, great conversation - it's nice to see people debating it instead of just flaming each other!

I am worried about iOS long-term though... I think that Android is going to make huge inroads into the tablet area over the next few years, just like it did (and is doing) with the smart phone. Let's face it, the percentage of iOS users is going down and the percentage of Android users is going up. Obviously, if that continues, it's not good for iOS...
jtrosky said:
Ok, that's enough replies from you smart people with thousands of posts! I can only convince dummies that can't think for themselves!

Seriously though, great conversation - it's nice to see people debating it instead of just flaming each other!

I am worried about iOS long-term though... I think that Android is going to make huge inroads into the tablet area over the next few years, just like it did (and is doing) with the smart phone. Let's face it, the percentage of iOS users is going down and the percentage of Android users is going up. Obviously, if that continues, it's not good for iOS...

I wouldn't worry too much about iOS, what you see today will evolve as markets and technology evolve, the same way OSX has evolved from the days of Jaguar and Panther up to Leopard and Snow Leopard moving on to the forthcoming Lion. No major player will sit on their laurels, they are all busy working away on their next incarnation of their respective hardware/software. I admit my love of all things Apple but I also believe that it is good that there are a number of players in the markets, each pushes the others to new levels of development and the winners of all this competition are.........you and me.

I'm looking forwards to seeing what the future holds no matter which company come out on top.

The Archangel
jtrosky said:
Ok, that's enough replies from you smart people with thousands of posts! I can only convince dummies that can't think for themselves!

Seriously though, great conversation - it's nice to see people debating it instead of just flaming each other!

I am worried about iOS long-term though... I think that Android is going to make huge inroads into the tablet area over the next few years, just like it did (and is doing) with the smart phone. Let's face it, the percentage of iOS users is going down and the percentage of Android users is going up. Obviously, if that continues, it's not good for iOS...

I'm just not worried about it in the same way. I don't believe the IOS ecosystem is suddenly going to implode if the market share of Android continues to rise. If there is profit to be made by developers then the eco system will survive.
I believe that is why googles business model for android is flawed. They've reached a critical mass with a product which they don't have control over any more and therefore cant capitalise on as effectively as they might...

Ultimately the quality of the products will decide. Whoever produces quality hardware coupled with quality software will do well. The others will just be limited in their success...
I know I'm biased, but there isn't another tablet on the market yet which I believe even comes close to Apple. Even BB who seemed to have a great opportunity with the playbook dropped a massive clanger in the one area I expected them not to. Over and above anything else, I expected a BB product to absolutely nail email... I would love to have been sitting in on the board meeting where someone convinced them to release their first tablet without robust email support out of the box.

Hey Steve, we're ready to ship the iPad next week, but the iPod app isn't ready yet, so we'll just ship it without the ability to play music for a while, OK?

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