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Post iOS 7 Problems

Is this reversible or are we stuck once we do the update?

Your stuck with it, there are ways of reversing it but it would be like jail breaking it, not recommended if you want to keep your warranty. You have to download a file from the net to a computer in order to do it I believe, the problem is you can't be sure the file hasn't been tampered with to introduce exploits so you do it at your own risk.

That's what I hate about the whole IOS upgrade process, you can't suck it and see, it's all or nothing. Apple should give you the opportunity, short term anyway, to step back if you're not happy with a new OS due to bugs or app incompatibility, they know there will be a certain amount of people with problems on initial release, there always are with new code, it usually takes a few update revisions before things are sorted

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