iPF Novice a moment of weakness I decided to pre-order an album from iTunes (on my iPad). It was Ghost Stories by Coldplay. $9.99 for the album and there are nine songs on it. Turns out one song was listed as available and it downloaded to my iPad. The album is suppose to be available on May 16, 2014.
A couple of days later I get another email saying another title from this album is available. I think great, give it to me. It gets downloaded. Somewhere in there there was a third song...that too is on my device.
So, I have 3 songs from this album. Then I get one of those receipts emails. That shows these three songs from the album at $1.29 each. I do math of a living and immediately realized they were charging me the single title rate for these songs. So I wrote them with telling me they were overcharging me for these songs. I've gone back and forth twice on this...trying to get them to charge me $9.99/9 for each song.
But I think they have invented an underhanded way to trick me into paying the single title rate rather than the album rate for this album. I agreed to buy all the songs on the album for $9.99. I didn't agree to buy only this song or that song (I never do this -- I buy either the entire thing or nothing, just my way) for a singles rate. It seems that Apple is trying to convert my album purchase into a bunch of singles purchases for the express purpose of getting more money for the same thing. For a company that supposedly has $160 Billion in the bank, this seems like a very rapacious thing to be doing. I won't have anything to do with this kind of practice, even if we are only talking about a few pennies. There are plenty of other options to buy music. I didn't have to have these songs right now...I took them because I thought there were providing a convenient and friendly service showing the benefits of using iTunes as a source. The thought of them trying to squeeze me for a few more pennies so they can overfill they coffers just drive me nuts.
A couple of days later I get another email saying another title from this album is available. I think great, give it to me. It gets downloaded. Somewhere in there there was a third song...that too is on my device.
So, I have 3 songs from this album. Then I get one of those receipts emails. That shows these three songs from the album at $1.29 each. I do math of a living and immediately realized they were charging me the single title rate for these songs. So I wrote them with telling me they were overcharging me for these songs. I've gone back and forth twice on this...trying to get them to charge me $9.99/9 for each song.
But I think they have invented an underhanded way to trick me into paying the single title rate rather than the album rate for this album. I agreed to buy all the songs on the album for $9.99. I didn't agree to buy only this song or that song (I never do this -- I buy either the entire thing or nothing, just my way) for a singles rate. It seems that Apple is trying to convert my album purchase into a bunch of singles purchases for the express purpose of getting more money for the same thing. For a company that supposedly has $160 Billion in the bank, this seems like a very rapacious thing to be doing. I won't have anything to do with this kind of practice, even if we are only talking about a few pennies. There are plenty of other options to buy music. I didn't have to have these songs right now...I took them because I thought there were providing a convenient and friendly service showing the benefits of using iTunes as a source. The thought of them trying to squeeze me for a few more pennies so they can overfill they coffers just drive me nuts.