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Preparing to update a friend's iPad 1 from 4.3.5 to 5.1; questions


iPF Noob
Hi. I am about to help a friend update his iPad 1 from 4.3.5 to 5.1 within the next couple of weeks. He is extremely non-tech-oriented, plus he has low vision so he can't really read a regular computer screen to do the update himself.

This is a non-jailbroken iPad with a few apps on it (I'd say fewer than 20, definitely fewer than 30).

The reason I'm posting on here is that I seem to recall that some iPad 1 owners had a nasty glitch that made the iPad unusable when they attempted to upgrade to 5.0.1. People were having to jailbreak the device in order to revive it, a process with which I am not familiar.

So I held off until the NEXT version of iOS came out, just to be on the safe side.

Have there been any known issues in upgrading an iPad 1 to 5.1? If so, can anyone help me find the threads and the solutions? I don't want to brick my friend's iPad, as it's his only way to access the Internet and it would be a MAJOR quality of life issue for him to lose that.

If I can get a consensus that 5.1 is a viable upgrade for a iPad 1, and I'm not going to brick my friend's device, I'll upgrade it.

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Visit this site it includes product compatible with the ios 5.1. Install the latest version of itunes
Plug in your iPad to your mac or pc then click for check for update under summary tab of iTunes. You need to be connected to the internet to do the update. This is the basic step in upgrading to the latest iOS. There are advanced steps but it would only confuse you. I believe there are no glitches so far.
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Hi. I am about to help a friend update his iPad 1 from 4.3.5 to 5.1 within the next couple of weeks. He is extremely non-tech-oriented, plus he has low vision so he can't really read a regular computer screen to do the update himself.

This is a non-jailbroken iPad with a few apps on it (I'd say fewer than 20, definitely fewer than 30).

The reason I'm posting on here is that I seem to recall that some iPad 1 owners had a nasty glitch that made the iPad unusable when they attempted to upgrade to 5.0.1. People were having to jailbreak the device in order to revive it, a process with which I am not familiar.

So I held off until the NEXT version of iOS came out, just to be on the safe side.

Have there been any known issues in upgrading an iPad 1 to 5.1? If so, can anyone help me find the threads and the solutions? I don't want to brick my friend's iPad, as it's his only way to access the Internet and it would be a MAJOR quality of life issue for him to lose that.

If I can get a consensus that 5.1 is a viable upgrade for a iPad 1, and I'm not going to brick my friend's device, I'll upgrade it.


There has definitely NEVER been any issue with 5.0.1 where the way to fix it was to jailbreak the device. Jailbreaking is a separate subject and never has to be considered in order to get a stock device up and running. I just wanted to put that to bed.

Assuming you are going to be upgrading by using your friends PC, it should simply be a question of doing this..

1) Connect the iPad to iTunes and sync the iPad to ensure there is a current backup.
2) Press the "Update" button in iTunes

The rest of the process should be automatic. If you get into trouble, you know where we are. Just post as many details at the time to help us help you as effectively as possible. Good luck.
hi there I'm not sure if you already updated, but mines was jailbroken on 4.3.3 I tried to updated to 5.1 and it didn't work, it said can't restore it's not the required build.
hi there I'm not sure if you already updated, but mines was jailbroken on 4.3.3 I tried to updated to 5.1 and it didn't work, it said can't restore it's not the required build.

That means you are no longer pointing towards Apple to authorise your firmware install, likely because you used TinyUmbrella or manually pointed your hosts file to Cydia.

To fix the problem, follow this tutorial, then try the restore again - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-how-resolve-itunes-unknown-error-3194-a.html

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