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Problem accessing yahoo mail on iPhone & iPAD


iPF Noob
Hi all,

I've been accessing yahoo push mails on my iPhone and iPad without any problem. Today both of them decided to boycott and I am not able to retrieve mails anymore. I've tried doing the following:

1)changing the password on my laptop, iPhone and iPad
2) deleting the mail accounts on iPhone and iPad, do a reset (pressing and holding the power and home button simultaneously).After that turn on both devices about 1 min later and add the yahoo accounts back

Problem still there. I can read and send yahoo mails from laptop though. Care to share any solutions?

It is often a problem with Yahoo itself. The fact that the laptop works doesn't always mean much, since mobile devices and the Mail app use different servers and services to access Yahoo Mail.

Give it a try again later. If in doubt, try deleting and re-adding the accounts again on the iPad. Access Mail in between to make sure it removes old email.

Yes, I know you already did that. But it won't hurt to give it another try after you've fiddled with the passwords and such.

In the mean time try going to your Yahoo Mail in Safari. It will take you to a Mobile site that will probably work well enough to tide you over until you solve whatever is going on with the Mail servers. You can even create a bookmark on the home screen to make access quicker.
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Hi guys,
Push mail now works fine on both iPhone and iPad alike, without me doing anything further then what was done and explained in previous thread. This confirms my suspicion that problem lies in the yahoo mail server.

Good to hear is it working.

We do a get a lot of people with similar complaints/problems with about Yahoo. I don't notice it on mine, but that's probably because it's my least used email address; a backup for the backup.

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