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Problem with accessing Yahoo Mail


iPF Noob
Is it me, or are there problems accessing Yahoo mail, via iPad Mail?
I have been having problems receiving mail for the past few days, which prompted my other post regards changing Yahoo password. Following the advice given on that post, I re-installed the yahoo account. After re-installation, I received all my messages, but since then I'm again having trouble getting new e-mails.

I'd be interested to see if anyone else is experiencing similar problems.

I again deleted and re-installed the account, and got my e-mails!!!
Will I have to do this everytime I want my e-mails?
Getting very annoyed!!
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I use the built in mail app to access my yahoo account and I haven't noticed any problems in the last few days.
I did try the app as a way round the problem, but I couldn't get on with it, not very user friendly I found.
Judging from the problems I'm having with Mail, I might be forced to revert to using the app!

EDIT: I now find that Mail is having trouble showing the body of the mail messages that are in my in-tray. All I get is the waiting logo, with nothing actually loading!
There are problems with Yahoo mail since almost a week ago, in parts of the USA, and in Europe, especially the UK. So if you're in one of those areas, you might be affected as well.
There are problems with Yahoo mail since almost a week ago, in parts of the USA, and in Europe, especially the UK. So if you're in one of those areas, you might be affected as well.
I'm in Canada so that may explain my lack of problems.
My Yahoo mail has been slow to download across both iPad and MacBook for the past couple of days. I get the alert and the spinning wheel for a quite a while first.
Thanks, that put my mind at rest a bit, it's nice to know I'm not imagining things:)
But, it still doesn't explain why my PC works fine, perhaps it may be more an Apple problem, rather than Yahoo.

Just hope they sort it soon!

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