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Problem with Atomic browser openning webpage saves


iPF Noob
Hello, I use iPad os 4.3 and use the latest atomic browser. It can save webpage, but when I open the saved web the atomic browser quits. I also tried to open the saved webpage via goodreader and also makes the goodreader quits... Any help?

Experiment with a few different websites to see if it is site specific. Might be something to do with the site itself.

If you haven't tried restarting the iPad, that might help. You can also try a soft reset if that doesn't work.

When things start acting a bit weird, it's a good idea to completely shut the iPad off and restart. You should probably do this at least once a week (my unsupported opinion on frequency.)

Just hold down the power button for about three seconds. You'll get a power off slider. Go ahead and slide it off. Wait until the iPad completely shuts down and then restart it by holding down the power button for about three seconds again.

For more serious problems, when shutting it off doesn't work, you can do a soft reset. Hold down the power and home button until the Apple logo appears, about 10 to 15 seconds. Let go and wait for it to reboot. This will take a few minutes, so be patient.
I had the same problem last night. This is with iOS 4.3 and Atomic Web 5.5.0.

I tried turning the iPad off, then back on, and the problem persists.

I tried various web pages and they all make Atomic Web close. Doesn't matter how simple or how complex. Even Google's home page will crash it.

I tried transferring them over to GoodReader via DropBox, and the .webarchive files make GoodReader crash too.

One workaround I did find is if you copy the URL, then use the 'Download File' function, you can download and save the page there. That works, but it saves HTML only, no pictures. Be sure to add the ".html" extension in the save name, else it doesn't know how to display the download, and you get a cryptic error message "Unrecognized file - The extention '.' is not supported for viewing in the browser"
I haven't gotten around to upgrading to 4.3 but I am using Atomic Web for all my web browsing, my usual sites, since I redownloaded the new version (I had deleted it awhile ago and couldn't reinstall until It was back in the store again). I've had no crashes at all. Just thought I would report this since it gives some comparison. Maybe its time to contact developer.

Received this response from the developer:


I'm sorry for the issue. Apple made me change the way webpages were saved and it caused a bug where the saved files are incompatible with a webview in 4.3. GoodReader and Atomic use the same webview class which is why they both crash. I submitted a fix on Tuesday. Hopefully apple will approve it soon.

Ah, that would explain it. Thanks for the update.

I have to admit I had not tested the web save since the Atomic update. I probably should have before making any suggestions, but the fact that we had just had an update didn't click.

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