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Problem with iPad created videos


iPF Noob
My iPad -created videos won't play on my pc after emailing them to myself. They are in the .mov format and so I expect that QuickTime should play them, but I am getting the message "error -2048: Couldn't open the file IMG_055.MOV because it is not a file that QuickTime understands."

Has anyone else come across this and how to correct?

Could be corrupted somehow. Maybe try opening it in VLC. That prog will play just about any video format known to man.
I wonder if the email..erm..program thing has had to convert it before sending it, or compressed it somehow, and thats messed it up? i'll send one to me from mine and see what happens.

Just tried and it worked fine, the quality was rubbish mind you, but it worked? so maybe the OP vid was corrupted. as suggested above try playing it with VLC? that sometimes plays stuff other players cant or wont.
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KevinJS said:
Could be corrupted somehow. Maybe try opening it in VLC. That prog will play just about any video format known to man.

Right on.You can also try Gom player
I also tried googling your error and found these on the apple support forum, not sure if they'll work but maybe give it a go ,see what happens?

"I tried the solution on this webpage "http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2535" and purchase the "The QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component"

Your quicktime file could be corrupt and may require a repair.
Error -2048 means "no movie found". It refers to the "movie atom" that describes the media data inside the file. Probably the moov atom is missing.

You can try to preview the .mov file with this web app:
http://mp4repair.org/preview.html "
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I should have mentioned that I tried three different times to email different cuts of the video without success. It plays fine on the iPad. I just tried VLC and that didn't work either. I will have to wait until I get back to work which is the only computer I can connect it to because that is the iTunes I used when I got it last month. Did I mention how much I hate iTunes? Anyway, when I get it hooked up, I will just copy it to my PC and see if it will play then. I think this is the first video that I've tried to get off the iPad to my main computer.
I also looked at the previous thread but it doesn't relate to my problem. The file emails as a .mov file, not an mpg or mpeg2 file.

I just checked my QuickTime program to see what version I had and strangely enough, it would not open so it may have something to do with that. Will reinstall and try again!
One workaround is to upload it to YouTube then download it to your PC using Keepvid

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Okay. QuickTime is back working again and the file definitely cannot be played. Is there an app that can convert a video right on the iPad before its emailed?
Update. I remembered the password and successfully uploaded the video. It's plays fine. Now how to figure out what goes wrong with the emailing process.

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