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Problem with MSN display picture


iPF Noob
I'm using the official Windows Live Messenger iPhone app on my iPad. The problem is that whenever I log into MSN on my iPad, the display picture on my computer will go back to the default "MSN guy."

It worked before, but when I changed my picture, it started doing like this. I have tried using a different pic on the iPad as well as the same one (by checking the "Always use the same display picture" option).

I tried reinstalling the MSN app, restarting the iPad and logging out from both places, but it doesn't wanna work. The only solution I found was to completely remove MSN from the iPad.

Does anyone know what's causing this and/or how to fix it?
RE : Problem with MSN display picture

We faced same issue over Iphone 3G - try to resolve DNS query for

cid-c18fac9bb1475cc5.users.storage.live.com from iphone.

if this is not getting resolved then picture will not change.

/Bhavesh - Kuwait

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