Hi everybody, probably there is another thread with this topic, but i didn't find it...
I have an issue, i'm new designing sites with ipad compatibility.... and i have some problems on my pages...
First... all the information are stored in a sharepoint site, and i developed some webparts for show some info with a light html structure...
I have a base html page for all my diferent pages and is this....
also i have a css file with all styles, and is this...
i was testing the KB's weight for all requests with HttpWatch and accesing 11 pages i had only 149KB for all requests... in average each page has almost 14KB, i think that its a decent size...
but there is some moments when the page request authentication and the browser looks froozen, i didnt find a pattern like when it happens, but is happening, if the site ask for credentials twice, all stuff is stoped... and i need to close my browser and start again...
Some body could help ??
Thanks in advance...
I have an issue, i'm new designing sites with ipad compatibility.... and i have some problems on my pages...
First... all the information are stored in a sharepoint site, and i developed some webparts for show some info with a light html structure...
I have a base html page for all my diferent pages and is this....
<body> <div id="iPadContainer"> <div id="iPadHeaderZone">Mis Asignaciones</div> <div id="iPadUserZone"> <!-- BEGIN WEBPART(UsuarioBitacora)--> <!-- next html is the example of the webpart result, wher the page is redered--> <div id="usrImg"><img src="imgs/usr.tmbnail.jpg" class="usrThumbnail" /></div> <div id="usrName">D. Guillermo Avilez</div> <!--END WEBPART--> </div> <div id="iPadMenuZone"> <!-- BEGIN WEBPART(UsuarioBitacora)--> <!-- next html is the example of the webpart result, wher the page is redered--> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnAsignaciones.png" /></a></div> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnPedidos.png" /></a></div> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnCompromisos.png" /></a></div> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnPendientes.png" /></a></div> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnReuniones.png" /></a></div> <div class="btn"><a href=""><img src="imgs/btnHistorico.png" /></a></div> <!--END WEBPART--> </div> <div id="iPadBodyZone"> <!-- BEGIN WEBPART(VistaLista) -->
<!-- END WEBPART--> </div> </div></body>
also i have a css file with all styles, and is this...
body{margin:0;font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px}#iPadContainer{width:1024px;min-height:468px; margin:0 auto; margin-top:10px; }#iPadHeaderZone{width:834px;height:70px; margin-left:10px; padding-top:40px; padding-right:10px; overflow:auto; float:left; background-image:url("../imgs/bgHeader.png"); text-align:right; font-size:2em; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold}#iPadUserZone {width:160px;height:100px; margin-left:10px; padding-top:10px; float:left; overflow:auto; background-image:url("../imgs/bgUser.jpg")}#iPadMenuZone{width:160px; min-height:618px; margin-top:10px; float:right;background-image:url("../imgs/bgMenu.png"); background-repeat:repeat-y;}#iPadBodyZone{width:844px;min-height:618px; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px; float:left; overflow:auto;}#iPadBodyZoneBig{width:1000px;min-height:618px; margin-left:12px;margin-top:10px; float:left; overflow:auto;}#usrImg{width:55px; height:65px;margin:0 auto;}#usrName{width:150px; height:15px; margin:0 auto; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; padding-top:10px; overflow:hidden;text-align:center;}img.usrThumbnail{ width:55px; height:65px; }#iPadMenuZone div.btn{width:160px; height:103px; float:left;cursor:pointer;}#iPadMenuZone div.btn a img{border:0;}
#iPadBodyZoneBig div.btn{width:170px; height:113px; float:left;cursor:pointer;background-image:url("../imgs/bgbtnBig.png"); margin:30px; padding-top:10px;padding-left:10px; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat}#iPadBodyZoneBig div.btn a img{border:0;}#gridview{ width:100%;border: 0; font-family:Verdana; font-size:10px; color:#333333;}
#gridview tr{height:30px;}#gridview tr a{color:#333333;}#gridview tr td{padding:0px;}#gridview tr.tblHeaderMain{ background-image:url('../imgs/tblHeaderMain.png'); background-repeat:repeat-x; height:40px; font-weight:bold; color: #ffffff;} #gridview tr.tblHeaderMain td a{color: #ffffff;}#gridview tr.tblHeaderMain td.tblL{width:20px;background-image:url('../imgs/tblHeaderLeft.png');}#gridview tr.tblHeaderMain td.tblR{width:20px;background-image:url('../imgs/tblHeaderRight.png');}#gridview tr.alternate{background-image:url('../imgs/alternate.png'); color:#C7113A;}#gridview tr.alternate a{color:#C7113A;}
@media only screen and (orientation:portrait){ /* portrait styles here */
#iPadContainer{width:768px} #iPadHeaderZone{width:578px;height:70px; margin-left:10px; padding-top:40px; padding-right:10px; overflow:auto; float:left; background-image:url("../imgs/bgHeader_Portrait.png");background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:right; font-size:2em; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold} #iPadMenuZone{width:758px; min-height:103px; margin-top:10px; float:right;background-color:#C7113A;} #iPadBodyZone{width:758px;min-height:530px; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px; float:left; overflow:auto;} #iPadBodyZoneBig{width:758px;min-height:618px; margin-left:12px;margin-top:10px; float:left; overflow:auto;} #iPadMenuZone div.btn{width:160px; min-height:103px; float:left;cursor:pointer;} #iPadMenuZone div.btn a img{border:0;} #iPadBodyZoneBig div.btn{width:170px; height:113px; float:left;cursor:pointer;background-image:url("../imgs/bgbtnBig.png"); margin:30px; padding-top:10px;padding-left:10px; background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat} #iPadBodyZoneBig div.btn a img{border:0;} #iPadMenuZone div.btn{width:100px; height:103px; float:left;cursor:pointer;} #iPadMenuZone div.btn a img{border:0;}
i was testing the KB's weight for all requests with HttpWatch and accesing 11 pages i had only 149KB for all requests... in average each page has almost 14KB, i think that its a decent size...
but there is some moments when the page request authentication and the browser looks froozen, i didnt find a pattern like when it happens, but is happening, if the site ask for credentials twice, all stuff is stoped... and i need to close my browser and start again...
Some body could help ??
Thanks in advance...
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