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Problems with Ibooks

Thankyou twerppoet you were correct I wasn't seeing it in the multi task bar due to it being open - I have now closed it and undertake the suggestion by giradman and removed it from there and re opened the main app on screen.

Ok all that is done - and still no different - the circle at the top right keeps going round and round and I am unable to do edit anything - which is frustrating as I have some pdf's that I wish to add to my collection... now not sure what I can do other than throw my IPad out of the window!
Sorry Tracy - please review my post #13 and make sure that your indeed did a proper 'reset' of the iPad? You might also want to explain that 'rotating circle' - not quite clear to me - I'm assuming that iBooks is opened and the circle (w/ arrows?) is spinning around an option of sorts?

If you are unsuccessful w/ the 'reset', then I guess the next option is to delete iBooks and re-install; the handling of your books/PDFs/etc. is a bit tricky - take a look at THIS THREAD from the forum from the middle of last year. Hopefully, others may 'chime in' w/ more suggestions - good luck! Dave :)
Hey, I'm having the same problem. The "rotating circle" thing is like the hourglass thing for a mouse pointer, showing that iBooks is thinking, it appears where the Edit button is normally. I've reset the app, rebooted my iPad and I still have it. Using iTunes I attempted to delete some stuff, I thought it was clogging up the memory, had like 23gb of books on a 32gb iPad 2, cleared up 4.8gb of space. No luck, although I can still see the books iTunes claims it removed from the iPad, although if I try to open one there is a rotating circle on that, if I try to open books I didn't remove they open normally.

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