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Problems with jailbreaking iOS 5?


iPF Noob

I am new to this forum and I could use your advice and help. I have a jailbroken iPad 1 and until two days ago it was run by the 4.3.2 version of iOS.

After updating to the new iOS 5, I succeeded in jailbreaking it. Unfortunately, virtually none of the Cydia apps which I purchased in the past would work on the new system. It got worse, they crashed the whole system and I could not restart my iPad (bricked).

I had to restore it, three times, and finally decided to stay with the untouched iOS for now. Needless to say, it is somewhat of a pain. I really miss all of the incredibly useful applications like Infinidock, SBSetting, Infiniboard to name but a few.

What are your experiences in this area?

Did you have the same problems?

Did you find a way around it?

I am thinking of jailbreaking it again but would rather hear/read what the more experienced members have to say first.

Thanks for your input.
If I were you, and I had spare time I would jailbreak again. Add apps in one at a time, give it time to see what makes it crash. I would guess it is an app not ready for iOS5 or two apps that don't play well together.

As much as it pains me to say this...that's sort of where the "stay in the ecosystem" model helps users unwilling or unable to troubleshoot.
Your problem is that not much is ready for iOS 5 in the jailbreaking world. A lot of the tweaks, apps and themes have not been updated yet to run with iOS5 (which is the main reason why I am still sitting at iOS 4.3.3, BTW).

All you can do is keep an eye on (maybe Google the various tweak names and such) to see when the tweak you want has been updated. I should imagine the developers will be putting out updates rather soon, now that iOS 5 (and the iPhone 4S!) are "on the streets."

A fellow moderator, f4780y, has started to update the greatest tweaks thread with those tweaks that are currently optimized for iOS 5. That sticky can be found here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak-applications-tweaks/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html

We'll keep updating it - so, all I can recommend is to just hang in there and wait ... and watch.

Your problem is that not much is ready for iOS 5 in the jailbreaking world. A lot of the tweaks, apps and themes have not been updated yet to run with iOS5 (which is the main reason why I am still sitting at iOS 4.3.3, BTW).

All you can do is keep an eye on (maybe Google the various tweak names and such) to see when the tweak you want has been updated. I should imagine the developers will be putting out updates rather soon, now that iOS 5 (and the iPhone 4S!) are "on the streets."

A fellow moderator, f4780y, has started to update the greatest tweaks thread with those tweaks that are currently optimized for iOS 5. That sticky can be found here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak-applications-tweaks/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html

We'll keep updating it - so, all I can recommend is to just hang in there and wait ... and watch.


Thanks! A list is exactly what I need. I might jailbreak it again but initially not install the apps and wait for the updates. However, some of the apps that caused the iPad to crash and brick are on the list as iOS 5-compatible which is somewhat confusing. For example, SBsettings does not, in my opinion, harmonize well with the OS due (maybe) to the swipe gesture, which is also used for the new notifications widgets.

Thanks again for your answers. I'm starting to really like this forum ;)
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It's absolutely true to say that many many JB apps and tweaks are not yet working on IOS5, but SBSettings is not one of them since receiving it's latest update. In my experience it is working fine.

Well, I did jailbreak it again and it crashed/bricked without me installing anything from Cydia. The JB itself caused it to crash. I proceeded to reboot through redsn0w and installed SBSettings; none of the activation settings worked and it crashed again.

I am now restoring it for the 4th time in two days. This blows!
I did mine last night. Only issue I originally had was with winter board. Managed to find an updated version that worked. Very few themes have worked so far with some causing crash. Still trying to find a good theme. New to apple so still trying to figure this stuff out.
Agreed with GreyWolf. Did you boot tethered it afterwards? If not, then it will be useless.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
penanot said:
Agreed with GreyWolf. Did you boot tethered it afterwards? If not, then it will be useless.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Hate to disappoint you, I used redsn0w and rebooted immediately afterwards. After the jailbreak I shut it off to test it, but it only showed the Apple symbol.

I can eventually post the entire process here in case I did make a mistake.
You immediately shut it off!?!?!?!?
Don't! It's a tethered jailbreak. It WON'T boot if you turn it off. You have to use red snow.
I'm with graywolf, it sounds as though you don't understand what a tethred jailbreak means.

Have a look at the tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lbreak-ipad1-ios5-tethered-using-redsn0w.html

If you EVER turn off your iPad you MUST run step 11 in this tutorial again to get it to boot properly. That is what tethered means. Your iPad is tethered to redsn0w to allow it to reboot. If you don't do this it will simply hang at the Apple logo like you saw.

Hope that helps.

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