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Programming and Apps!


iPF Noob
Hello everybody,

I'm a newbe and to be honest with you, I'm trying to find app programmers to work with. Any of you know anything about programming? I know zip! Which means I'm at a sink or swim point in my career. I'm actually an illustrator and at times a reluctant designer from a media and publishing background - but I'm getting more and more clients wanting to know if I can design ipad apps (interactive books mostly - have you seen the Alice in wonderland app?) as well as illustrate their ideas AND I CAN'T!

So really I need to find someone who's great at programming but not so hot at illustration, photography (Photoshop, illustrator etc) - the visuals basically. Sadly the two are usually connected, lots of programmers now are great at the visual stuff too, so I'm fast becoming a dinosaur in the field.

I've been getting close to throwing in the towel and admitting I'm past it! I'm beginning to panic. Anybody got any advice? I was reading the other day that it takes at least 10 years really to become great in any field - I've been illustrating since I was a nipper and it has taken me years to become confident in just this field, these days whatever people ask me to draw - I can usually do in one way or another but it's taken THAT LONG for me to be able to confidently say that - so the thought of learning programming totally from scratch (I don't even know any html code) - is a daunting task, unless there just happens to be someone out there in the same boat, but sort of the other way around!!

Any advice anyone?

All the best,
If you look in the forums section in this sites website, there is a iPad development section dealing with this topic. Might be a good start for you to search. There is also an iBooks section where you might see fellow authors etc... Maybe this would be helpful to you?

P.S. welcome by the way!
Thank you

Thanks for the info - I'll do that, I'm not an author myself - I work for them (and publishers), I just need to find
someone who I can work with when my clients ask me if I can illustrate AND animate their books for iPads. It
would be lovely to be able to publish my own books though I must say. I never get time to do my own sadly
Thanks again, you're a star!
That's okay, you are entirely welcome. I love helping others. I teach science so it comes naturally.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
If you feel like learning how to develop your own apps you can do so for free. Go to iTunes on your iPad, click on 'iTunesU' at the bottom right hand side, select 'Universities and Colleges', then scroll to Stanford. Scroll right through the courses and you'll find a 25 lecture course on programming iPad apps. It's free and, by the end of the course, you'll be able to program some simple apps yourself. It's a great resource from one of the best Universities in the world.

It's now available at

Developing Apps for iOS (HD) - Download free content from Stanford on iTunes


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