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Purchasing again an app for my 2nd iPad?

tio fa li

iPF Noob
Hello there,

I purchased Pleco Dictionary app about one and a half year ago, with some accessories like Flashcards, Stroke order, additional dictionaries, female pronunciation and full screen handwriting.

All that was installed on my IPad1 with a backup on Itunes my PC.

Now I have purchased an IPad2 and there is no way to instal all that I have with my Pleco in my new IPad.

When I open Pleco and try to charge my Flashcards, they ask me to purchase again all that accesories that I paid for before.

Could you please help me?

Thank you very much.

Tio fa li

刁法禮 Tio Fali
tio fa li said:
All that was installed on my IPad1 with a backup on Itunes my PC.
was it backed up or synced?

I open Pleco and try to charge my Flashcards, they ask me to purchase again all that accesories that I paid for before.

Last time I had this (don't remember which App) there was a button like " I already purchased"... On another occasion it said "you already purchasedthis article, do you want to install it" or something like that... Until which point did you go when you had been asked to purchase the addons? If this is first thing you do (and settings are to ask for Apple ID password) you should try to go until the moment you have to enter the password (which is the moment you confirm you will pay it)....

Did you install that App new on your iPad2 or has it been synced when connecting to iTunes??
Go to the developer's support page and ask. Most developers are establishing methods to re-download your in app purchases at no charge. Not all have. Pleco's developers might be in the process, or need a gentle nudge in that direction.
At the end, it turned out that is was a problem of ITunes accounts. I had an account before and with all these boxes that you have to fill when you buy something new, I opened by mistake a new account.

It took weeks to realize about the problem, because nobody tells you how many accounts you have and so on.

At the end, I could remember my previous username and they sent me an email with my password. After several tries, I could finally download all my purchases from right inside the Pleco app., with a button saying "download your purchases" or something like this.

For Pleco no problem, the customer service great, but for all this mess with accounts with Apple, Windows, Hotmail, Gmail, Xbox, Exchange, Your Father's Airlines, Bank of Spirito Santo, Amazon, YouTube, British Telecom, Hello Kitty, Mac Donald's, etc, I wonder if one day some genius will be able to invent something to unify automatically all that. Or at least if all of them will be able to ask for the same requirements for a password.

I am getting older, definitely.

Thanks a lot to all of you for your help.

刁法禮 Tio Fali

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