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Question about email spam


iPF Noob
Hi. My name is Sandy. I am receiving mail from Yahoo.com. Unfortunately All of the email including my junk and spam folders is loading onto my IPAD. I have a spam filter in yahoo so none of these items shows up in my inbox when I log into my PC at home. I cannot figure out how to keep this objectionable mail contained in the other folders from loading in my IPAD mail. Does anyone have a solution?
sandyc111 said:
Hi. My name is Sandy. I am receiving mail from Yahoo.com. Unfortunately All of the email including my junk and spam folders is loading onto my IPAD. I have a spam filter in yahoo so none of these items shows up in my inbox when I log into my PC at home. I cannot figure out how to keep this objectionable mail contained in the other folders from loading in my IPAD mail. Does anyone have a solution?

you need to log in to yahoo and delete/empty your junk folder regularly.

i use GMX, junk gets notified but not downloaded, if ignore the message it stays in junk and gets deleted

hope it helps
Hi. My name is Sandy. I am receiving mail from Yahoo.com. Unfortunately All of the email including my junk and spam folders is loading onto my IPAD. I have a spam filter in yahoo so none of these items shows up in my inbox when I log into my PC at home. I cannot figure out how to keep this objectionable mail contained in the other folders from loading in my IPAD mail. Does anyone have a solution?

Hi there--you have posted within the User News Submission section where you may not get as much attention as you wish. I am going to move it to the Help Section for you.

pilgrimav8r said:
Can you use this with hotmail too? Because it does not want to accept my hotmail address

GMX can work with Hotmail, but first check Hotmail is deleting junk not storing in junk folder

You might dump some real emails but that you have to weight up the pro's and con's
I finally got lazy on spam and started having my email website to forward all my mail to gmail, which has excellent spam features. Of course I use either the mail app or the gmail app to access my mail on the pad. It's all spam free then.
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