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Question About IP Address


iPF Noob
Can anyone tell me where a file might be on the iPad that shows the external ip history? I ask because quite often, when I'm out and about and want to get a file through FTP or remote access my system the ip has changed without me knowing. Like just now, I left my house about an hour ago, and just tried to remote in and it says there are no servers running, because my external ip has changed. Is there any way I can find out what my last external ip at home was on the iPad?
Check out www.dyndns..org

For a free account you can get a named dns something like www.munky.mydns.com or munky.homedns.com that is continually updated by an option built into some routers or by an app from dyndns that you leave running on your home computer. There are specific options to go to a home web server or home ftp server etc.

I've used this for several years, works like a charm!

A paid subscription gives you some additional benefits. There are some other companies offering similar services; google something such as "dynamic dns".



Sorry, for the free dyndns you have to go to:


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Awesome, thanks for the tip. Question though, I only need to have the updater software running on only one pc in my network I'm assuming?

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