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Question about pages & hotspot

Like Twerppoet we reversed the data plan. My Ipad 3 1 GB costs $20 and tethering on my husband's Iphone would be $20 so I'm even unless I decide to go to 2 GB for travel occasionally. We are to get 4GLTE end of summer and it is within about 5-6 miles from us now. It covers the area where the new Apple Icloud/Siri server farm and solar farm are LOL and I'm close to them. As TP says, it is so much more convenient to have the data on the Ipad itself.
Sorry guys I'm in the UK so I don't really know about your data plan and I also don't know what's available to me here
You're welcome. Let us know how it turns out.

I will reply back here! But I have to wait another while until I can get my iPad :( I can't wait it will be my first iPad!! But I have plenty of experience with iPhone for more than 3 years.. My laptop is broken so I have to wait until it gets back so I will be able to sync with iTunes, it's starting to feel like forever for it to come back :(
In case you did not know, iPads no longer need a computer or iTunes to initialize. Nor are they essential for using the iPad: Not since iOS 5.0.

If you do need iTunes syncing it's a little tricky pairing them after the fact, but it can be done, and we are here to help you.
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I couldn't do an update to 5.1 just using my iPad. I had to connect to iTunes to update via my computer.

Most people seemed to have no problem with the OTA update; but a few like yourself were forced to use iTunes. The reasons are not always clear, but probably have to do with local router and ISP differences. Good thing Apple keeps both methods available.
In case you did not know, iPads no longer need a computer or iTunes to initialize. Nor are they essential for using the iPad: Not since iOS 5.0.

If you do need iTunes syncing it's a little tricky pairing them after the fact, but it can be done, and we are here to help you.

Really!! But do u need it for first set up like?
No. You no longer need a computer for setup.

You take it out of the box, go through a set up procedure for preferences; enter your Apple ID if you have one, or create one. If you already have backups in iCloud you can restore from them; otherwise you set up as a new iPad.

I should mention that if you have a lot of apps, restoring through iCloud can be rather slow.
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No. You no longer need a computer for setup.

You take it out of the box, go through a set up procedure for preferences; enter your Apple ID if you have one, or create one. If you already have backups in iCloud you can restore from them; otherwise you set up as a new iPad.

I should mention that if you have a lot of apps, restoring through iCloud can be rather slow.

Wow that's pretty awesome, here's me waiting all this time I could got 1 ages ago!
Wow that's pretty awesome, here's me waiting all this time I could got 1 ages ago!

Well, not ages. iOS 5 has only been out for a few months, and you were more likely to buy a new iPad with an older iOS version for about a month after that.
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