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Question about sharing Apps

iPad Luv

iPF Noob
Hi - I have one more question with my new membership on this forum. I just had.a wonderful result with my first question so I'm hopeful that I will get a good result with this question.

My mother is about to get her first iPad and I was wondering if you can use iTunes to share Apps like you can with music? I have a lot of Apps that I paid for and I would like to keep her from having to buy the same Apps when I could share them with her like I have with my music. As you probably know, to share purchased music from iTunes, you have to authorize each other's computers, which I have done with her and she now has my iTunes music library. If you can do that, what do I need to do - or, since our computers are authorized with each other through iTunes, is that all that needs to be done? If so, what is the next step to allow her to access my Apps?

I really appreciate help with this question!
To share apps, you simply have to share the AppleID. If you set up iTunes to automatically sync new apps, any app you purchase will appear on her iPad immediately.

You can retain your independence though, and are not required to have each others emails and bookmarks. I have two iDevices, and my son has another two, all on my AppleID. We don't get in each others way too much.

Hope this helps.
I was hoping someone could tell me that I could just copy my Apps to my Mother's new iPad since I have "authorized" our 2 computers. I don't really want to use the Cloud. Is it possible to do this?
I was hoping someone could tell me that I could just copy my Apps to my Mother's new iPad since I have "authorized" our 2 computers. I don't really want to use the Cloud. Is it possible to do this?

No way to copy apps. You have to use the same iTunes account. You can use a different Apple ID for iCloud, but iTunes will need to be shared.
No way to copy apps. You have to use the same iTunes account. You can use a different Apple ID for iCloud, but iTunes will need to be shared.

OK - So if we both share the same iTunes Acct, then my Apps will be on her iPad, even when she isn't connected to iTunes? What if she doesn't want some of my Apps? If we are sharing iTunes, if she deletes, one or more of my Apps, won't that mean that they will be deleted off my iPad also? I'm confused about how this works.
Use the same iTunes account on each device and configure which apps are loaded onto each specific device in iTunes.

Deleting apps on one device will not effect the other.

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