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Question about upgrading/jailbreaking


iPF Noob

I have an ipad running 3.2.2 that is already jailbroken. I am waiting for the un-tethered jailbreak before I upgrade to 4.2.1. I was wondering... what is the process to upgrade and jailbreak? Do I upgrade the firmware first? Then jailbreak again?

Step by step instructions would be great, because I am still new to all of this, but any help is appreciated!

Yes, you will basically upgrade to stock 4.2.1 firmware then jailbreak it.
You will then need to re-install your jailbreak apps from Cydia, which will tell you if any of them are not compatible with 4.2.1 before you install. You can also use solutions like pkgbackup from Cydia (paid app) which cuts down the process of restoring all your jb apps. Basically it backs up a list of everything you have installed and you can restore it all in one go on a new fresh installation. Some folks just like to make a list and do it manually through...

We cant provide step by step instructions until it is released though!

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