Kay, will ur iPad run slower after a jailbreak? Also, if u jailbreak and decide to erase all contains of a jailbreak will it appear as thou it never happened? Ie going to apple and having them still honor the insurance protection plan?
I have tha same question,can someone answer this one?and what happens if for some reason the iPad is not able to work at all and I m not able to use restore setting?
U have to enter in dfu mode means push upper switch for 3 seconds then immediately without releasing push home button for 10 sec, then release only the upper one for 8 sec, now ur iPad is in DFU mode, connect to iTunes and restore , enjoy
And, ultimately, if you don't have a hardware issue that prevents you from operating the iPad normally, you can (99.99% of the time) put the iPad back to stock with the most current firmware. It'll be as if you never jail broke it.